What Jonathan Cahn claims about himself:
"Long before writing his books, he was known for opening the deep mysteries of Scripture and bringing forth messages of prophetic import."
Dear viewer: The following is a letter that was written to the Berean Call Ministries on or about July 12th, 2012 by a former associate pastor of Jonathan Cahn's church Beth Israel. It is a 7 page letter. However, I have chosen to only quote certain sections. So this letter is basically an abridged version of the original.
Dear Berean Call:
I wanted to let you know that I had appreciation for your June 2012 newsletter that discussed the Harbinger( Mr. Cahn's first book). As one who attended the congregation of Jonathan Cahn for over 13 years, serving in a pastoral position there for several years, I heard a good number of sermons that were not based on a sound use of God's word. If one attended there for an extensive time, he may have noticed an unhealthy focus on MYSTERY BUSTING and Jonathan drawing attention to himself as a special end time vessel of the Lord in a manner that gave him and the congregation where he taught an air of superiority over other leaders and churches. This involved an unsound usage of God's Word with a focus on connecting various events to other events and scripture.
It actually struck me how Mr. T.A. McMahon having not attended the congregation of Jonathan Cahn, seemed to have picked up on the same type of thing that others, who have known Mr. Cahn for years, have also been concerned with. So let me testify to the gift of discernment that it seems God has given to you. I'm not sure that replacement theology is at the heart of Mr. Cahn's error, but rather an overall focus on MYSTERIES and making connections in a manner that is negligent of sound doctrine and a clear gospel message. His errors can be very subtle, which would explain why so many would be taken by it(page#1).
Mr. Cahn says that the Harbinger never says that Isaiah was prophesying of America but that the pattern of judgement in Israel is now reoccurring in America. So, if it was not prophesying, why has Mr. Cahn referred to it's message as being prophetic? I have evidence that he's done so if you haven't heard or seen it. Having known Jonathan, I'm aware of his tactics to present half truths and to lead someone to come to a certain conclusion(like he's implying that he's a prophet) without directly saying it. He would say certain things that would lead you to one conclusion, and others that could lead to the very opposite one. He operates in a lawyer like fashion(sly & manipulative). Is he a prophet or not? Is the Harbinger a prophetic message or not? Putting clues together is not prophesying is it? Prophets got direct revelation from God. We must be very careful to not use the word prophet or the concept of something as being a prophetic message in a loose, sloppy, undefined or unclear manner.
It seems like what Mr. Cahn is doing is in essence implying he's a prophet. It's like he's giving a different variation of prophesy, and because of that variation(implying that he's received divine revelation regarding the future of America, while appealing to connection signs rather than being in the more typical style of modern day professed prophecy) he's flying under the radar in order to avoid detection by those who are generally more discerning. But for many years in his congregational teachings/sermons there were many such connections being set forth up to your ears! I testify to the things I am writing here regarding Mr. Cahn's modus operandi/method of operation, as a witness who knows him well. And believe you me, there are others who have also been witnesses to such things. And I'm hardly even scratching the surface here in terms of sharing all the reasons why I have a deep concern over Mr. Cahn (page 2).
So what has Mr. Cahn revealed in the Harbinger that any Christian who knows their Bible well couldn't know anyway? Again, just from referenced verses of Isaiah 10 and Malachi 1, we could know that any nation, including present day, rebellious, proud America, that is sinful is in danger of potential judgement. If the Harbinger were never written, a believer could see in scripture the pattern of pride followed by God's judicial wrath. But Mr. Cahn has a past history of taking such things and putting a SPIN ON THEM that is designed to BLOW YOU AWAY, when in reality he hasn't really taught anything that a Bible knowledgeable believer could not have already known from the truths already revealed in God's word. If anything, there may be a subtle, yet very dangerous undermining-a subtle drawing attention away from the word of God, and towards Jonathan Cahn's so called prophetic message, (mysteries) and connections directed to Jonathan Cahn himself(page 3).
Scripture can be misused and twisted cf 2 Peter 3:16. I've seen people in Beth Israel who seemed connection crazy at times. But there was an apparent wall of disconnect when trying to simply discuss and apply scripture in context with those same people. There certainly was a form of godliness in being interested in what God was doing, but a lack of submission to his word, rightly divided. Such is a danger of not using scripture- The Holy inspired Words of God properly.
I don't think that I can rightly say that Jonathan Cahn is responsible for all of the unsound usage of scripture that I witnessed at Beth Israel. There is so much scripture twisting among the professing church. But I do think that Jonathan's manner of making connections contributes to the problem and accords with such unsoundness. I did discuss this sort of issue with Mr. Cahn personally, and he didn't seem to be very concerned about it. I hope that people will draw conclusions about this matter if the Harbinger is based on sound usage of God's word, seeking the word rightly divided of course as their authority by which to discern. Using scripture in a sloppy careless way can be dangerous, and make one open to superficial connections.
Even when discussing Frontline, Charisma being the publisher, Jonathan speaks of an extremely dramatic, far more than natural, and out of the box way in which things supposedly happened. If one spent enough time and research trying to, I suspect he could make many such connections between various events of Scripture and History that would have the appearance of being beyond coincidence , which were only found because of the great number of possibilities of connections that existed i.e. like connections made with the supposed Bible Code revelations. There are so many possibilities to work with in seeking connections when working with the letters of scripture. In the past I, and not only I, have discussed these concerns with Mr. Cahn about an unclear gospel presentation and related matters and other issues as well on multiple occasions. He has given a not so clear presentation of the gospel on numerous occasions(pages 4-6).
Again, I've seen real spiritual shallowness and deadness at Beth Israel, which apparently accords with Mr. Cahn's manner of using scripture.
Once again as a former Associate Pastor who was with Jonathan Cahn for 13 years, I testify that you really seem to be on to something. Among others of us who have known Jonathan Cahn better from first hand experience, there has also been great concern 1 Timothy 5:24-25 (page #7).
" In Messiah"
Jose J Bernal author of the Truth About The Harbinger ![]() THE HARBINGER: IT IT FACT, FICTION OR PROPHETIC SPECULATION?,
A quotation from The Harbinger page 129 the Prophet to Nouriel: "It all goes back to the PROPHECY....EVERYTHING-the collapse of Wall St, the rise and fall of the credit market, the war in Iraq, the collapse of the housing market, the foreclosures, the defaults, the bankruptcies, the government takeovers, EVERYTHING- politics, foreign policy world history-EVERYTHING that happened after. It ALL GOES BACK TO THE PROPHECY AND TO THE ANCIENT MYSTERY".
Jonathan Cahn’s nine harbingers were after-the-fact analysis or opinions of his own personal doing. They are not really prophecies. It was all an elaborate fabrication which duped millions of Christians around the world. It is a literary work based on EISEGESIS. What do I mean by that? Eisegesis involves 1) imagination: what ideas do I want to present? 2) exploration: what Scripture passage seems to fit with my ideas? and 3) application: what does my idea mean? In eisegesis there is no cross-referencing with related passages of scripture, and no real desire to understand the actual meaning of the sacred text as the biblical author originally intended for his readers. Scripture serves only as a prop to the interpreter’s idea. I read the book myself.
1. Hedge of protection removed/breach: pure speculation-we don't know if there is or ever has been a hedge of protection. 9/11 was not the first attack on U.S. soil, it was not a military breach, and it did not weaken America's defenses in any way. 2. The terrorist: The Assyrians were hardly the first one to use terror tactics-it is just a way to instill fear. The 9/11 hijackers were not Assyrians (which is still an ethnic group that is mostly Christian). In the Harbinger page 40 Mr. Cahn CLEARLY IMPLIES that the Ancient Assyrians were the BLOODLINE ANCESTORS of the 19 hijackers! What a blunder. THE ORIGINS OF THE 19 HIJACKERS ARE AS FOLLOWS: 15 FROM SAUDI ARABIA, 2 FROM UNITED ARAB EMIRATES, 1 FROM EGYPT, & 1 FROM LEBANON(cf with wikipedia.com). 3. The fallen bricks: in Israel, fallen bricks meant the nation was leveled by the attacks. On 9/11 there were just a few square blocks of one city. In Israel, most buildings were made of bricks, while in America bricks were only incidental with no significance. 4. The tower: Completely manufactured only using the Septuagint translation, not the Hebrew(MASORETIC TEXT). If one uses the Septuagint then both the sycamore and cedar harbingers disappear. HISTORICAL FACTS REVEAL THE SEPTUAGINT VERSION IS NOT A UNIFORM AND CONSISTENT TRANSLATION. It was done by many different hands whose skills, and even philosophy of translating varied considerably. These transmission errors found in the Septuagint include the addition of words to create longer versions of some texts, most notably parts of the book of Jeremiah, and other variants that were the result of misunderstanding or misinterpreting a Hebrew word or phrase. 5. THE GAZIT STONE: Israel rebuilt using gazit (which is just quarried stone), didn't just lay a gazit cornerstone-they replaced the bricks. In America there was only a single cut cornerstone that ended up not even being used at all.
The buildings in Israel were constructed of bricks and easily destroyed when the Assyrians attacked. Israel would rebuild with much stronger quarried stone (gazit). When the tower was to be rebuilt at Ground Zero, a single quarried stone was to be placed as a cornerstone--but even that was later moved and never became a part of the new structure.
6. The sycamore: The sycamore of Israel (fig-mulberry) and that in America are two completely different kinds of trees. In Israel these fig-mulberry trees were cut down by the Assyrians all across the country. In America a single tree (that was not a fig-mulberry) just fell because of the falling buildings. This is yet another forced parallel that does not withstand closer examination. First, the sycamore (fig-mulberry) of ancient Israel and the American sycamore are two completely different trees that are unrelated in any way. They are not the same species ( Ficus sycomorus vs. Platanus occidentalis ) . They are not in the same genus ( Ficus vs. Plantanus ), nor even in the same family ( Moraceae vs. Platanaceae ). In spite of this, the author tries to make the connection on a linguistic basis. . . . The tree in Israel is a fruit-bearing tree, with the English translation ultimately coming from the Greek for "fig-mulberry" which is sycomoros . However, this tree is shaqam in Hebrew. So it is not legitimate to claim that this tree was a "sycamore" to the ancient Israelites, who lived long before the influence of the Greek Empire. It was a fig-mulberry--it was a shaqam to them. In contrast, the American sycamore, as stated before, is not botanically related in any way to the fig-mulberry. There is no semantic connection. Of course, both trees carry the same name--but this is true only for English-speakers , not for Hebrew-speakers. 7. The erez: The cedar of Lebanon in Israel, but a Norway spruce in America-two completely different kinds of trees. In Israel, cedars were much stronger and much more valuable trees to be used in many different ways. But in America a single symbolic tree, that is not necessarily stronger than the tree it replaced. Cahn's reasoning reveals that he is depending on the taxonomic classification system to make his case. The taxonomic system is based on a hierarchy of seven ranks for classifying all living things on earth. The first problem with appealing to this classification system is that it is based exclusively on evolutionary theory. In addition, as evolutionary theory evolves, so does the classification system itself, and it can change significantly over time. . . . The Norway spruce planted at Ground Zero is biblically a different kind of tree than the cedars of Lebanon in Isaiah:9:10. Although the Bible is not a scientific textbook, it is accurate in those matters of science about which it speaks. Consequently, based on the authority of the Word of God there is no amazing coincidence. There is no match. There is no parallel. And there is no harbinger. 8. The utterance: In Israel there was a defiant spirit directed toward the Assyrians and God, ignoring God's direct warnings by the prophets he had sent over and over to his chosen people. In America there was no intentional, prideful, arrogant defiance of God. 9. The vow: In neither case was the statement "we will rebuild" a biblical vow, it was just a statement. Beyond that, how many ways can someone say "we will rebuild?" And how many Bible verses talk about rebuilding? It is no big coincidence that Isaiah 9:10 was used (although wrongly) because what other verses could be used if someone wanted to give hope from the Bible concerning an attack that destroyed buildings? It is not like they just picked one out of 30,000 verses as Cahn says-it is basically one out of one. There is no mystery in that. 10. The Shemitah: This was only for Israel and God wiped out the country after they failed to observe the Sabbath year for almost 500 years. America is not obligated to this and what has happened in America is not the tiniest fraction of what happened to Israel. It is not even remotely close, this is most half of the book, but it is elaborately manufactured out of nothing. The Shemitah/Sabbatical Years was STRICTLY GIVEN TO THE NATION OF ISRAEL UNDER THE MOSAIC COVENANT AND TO NO OTHER NATION IN HUMAN HISTORY. In the Harbinger page 159 Jonathan Cahn claims that the Shemitah was given to America as a sign. NOTHING COULD BE FURTHER FROM THE TRUTH! There is absolutely no SCRIPTURAL BASIS from Genesis to Revelation which he fails to provide to validate his claims. Cahn determines that this text in Isaiah contains a mysterious prophecy directed not to ancient Israel but to modern America. At this point the author massages /MANIPULATES Scripture, American history and current events in an attempt to prove that God's judgment on the United States has been hiding in these verses from the day they were given by Isaiah, but have now been unlocked by the careful investigation of Cahn. (IN OTHER WORDS MR. CAHN HAD TO PERFORM THEOLOGICAL GYMNASTICS BEYOND OLYMPIC PROPORTIONS IN ORDER TO ACCOMPLISH THIS FEAT). Nothing could be further from the truth and, even more importantly, once someone decides they can cherry-pick verses at will, change the meaning of these texts to fit his theories and use random hermeneutical methods, anything can be "proven." However, very few people will recognize what Cahn has done, and fewer still will do the hard work of investigating his interpretations. How Serious is False Speculation About Prophecy? Evangelical Christians agree that the biblical canon has been established. Anyone who claims to have a prophetic word must demonstrate its validity from Scripture. According to 1 Corinthians 14, any supposedly prophetic statement must pass two tests. First, verse 29 states that after two or three speak a prophetic message, the others are to "judge." In other words, the prophetic message must not disagree with the knowledge of God's Word and of truth held by other members of the assembly. Second, verses 37 and 38 demonstrate that just as the apostle Paul submitted his words to the examination of the Corinthians upon the basis of their knowledge of the Word of God, any prophecy that is given must be judged by the standard of the truth already known to the church of Christ. In other words, no completely new truth will be revealed, but rather the prophet will expound and explain truths already accepted and recognized by God's people. Any "prophecy" that conflicts with Scripture is assumed to be false. Evangelicals also know how seriously the Old Testament viewed false prophecy. It provided two tests to determine whether prophets were true or false. Deuteronomy 13:1-3 states the first. If a prophet calls upon the people to "go after other gods," he is to be considered false, even if his prophecy is fulfilled. If a prophet or a dreamer of dreams arises among you and gives you a sign or a wonder, and the sign or the wonder comes true, concerning which he spoke to you, saying, "Let us go after other gods (whom you have not known) and let us serve them," you shall not listen to the words of that prophet or that dreamer of dreams; for the Lord your God is testing you to find out if you love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul (nasb). The second test has to do with the prophet's accuracy: When a prophet speaks in the name of the Lord, if the thing does not come about or come true, that is the thing which the Lord has not spoken. The prophet has spoken presumptuously; you shall not be afraid of him (18:22). Deuteronomy 13:5 and Deuteronomy 18:20 explicitly state the punishment for false prophets: They shall be put to death. Yet although many evangelicals are wary of anyone claiming to be a prophet, some are dangerously naive about prophetic speculation. Many of those who would never claim to be a "prophet" (See the ATQ article, Do the Same Kinds of Prophets Exist Today as in Biblical Times?) don't hesitate to claim authoritative insight into the meaning of prophecy. While they would never say, "Thus saith the Lord," they seem to imply that they know what God was saying through the prophet. The purpose of all prophecy-including prophecy about future events-is to encourage us to examine ourselves, repent, and turn from our evil ways. Sometimes prophecy describes a future event to give hope, sometimes it warns of judgment, but in every case the goal of prophecy is spiritual renewal. Prophetic speculation, on the other hand, is mostly concerned with linking contemporary events to biblical prophecy. To say this contemporary event is a fulfillment of that prophecy is to claim a kind of prophetic authority. It is a form of "speaking in the name of the Lord" (Deuteronomy 18:22), and just as in the case of false prophecy, it has serious consequences. Scripture and history show that prophecy pertaining to future events is ambiguous before the events occur. (See the ATQ article Can We Know if Current Events are Fulfillment of Prophecy?) Previous historical attempts to predict future events on the basis of biblical prophecy have been disastrous. (See the ATQ article How often in the History of the Church have People Mistakenly Believed They Were Acting in Fulfillment, or Observing the Fulfillment of Prophecy?) Believing we belong to a small group that understands how prophetic events are unfolding can lead to unintended results, including pride, isolation, and diminishing concern with truth and reality. It can transform one's interpretation of prophecy into an idol, a false god. If enough people are influenced, false speculation can lead to its own "fulfillment"-the satanic opposite of legitimate prophecy-accompanied by self-righteousness, fanaticism, and violence. This is what happened in Israel in 70 and 135 AD. False prophecy and false prophetic speculation about Messiah led to the destruction of Jerusalem by Roman armies. The fact that many Jews were convinced that Messiah would free Israel from the Roman yoke made them vulnerable to the influence of fanatics. (See the ATQ article How often in the History of the Church have People Mistakenly Believed They Were Acting in Fulfillment, or Observing the Fulfillment of Prophecy?) The same tendency can be seen in those today whose interpretation of prophecy allows them to ignore basic issues of justice and morality while calling for unqualified support for Israel in the modern Middle East, military action, the initiation of new wars, and even the use of nuclear weapons. It is no wonder that the New Testament discourages speculation about when Jesus Christ will return and specifically states that He will return at a time no one expects (Matthew 24:36-50; 25:13; Acts 1:7; 1 Thessalonians 5:2; 2 Peter 3:10). Jesus Christ and other inspired writers not only warn us against speculation concerning the hour of His return, but they imply such speculation prevents serious preparation for His return (Matthew 24:43-44; 1 Thessalonians 5:1-6; Revelation 3:3). Whether it manifests itself in apathy or fanatic violence, false prophecy and false speculation about prophecy is dangerous. Those of us who get caught up in the destructive practice of prophetic speculation not only lend support to the principalities and powers of evil, but also sow seeds of disillusionment and rebellion against the gospel and biblical revelation. Mark 9:42 declares: "Whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in Me to stumble, it would be better for him if a heavy millstone were hung around his neck, and he were thrown into the sea" (nkjv). AFTERWORD: SOME HELPFUL INFORMATION ABOUT MR. JOSE BERNAL'S BACKGROUND TAKEN DIRECTLY FROM HIS BLOG: Jose Bernal is a graduate from Etek Academy where he completed courses CompTIA A+, Network +, Security +/CCNA Track, and is CompTia A+ and Network + certified. Certificate Earned in Client/Server Administration at Synergistic Academy, is a graduate of NEC Rets where he graduated a two year intensive course in EET (Electronics Engineering Technology); has completed courses in various technologies such as Microsoft Official Course 2261B Supporting Users Running the Microsoft Windows XP Operating System at New Horizon Academy, Completed courses at Johnson Controls on Pegasys 900, Pegasys 1000, Pegasys 1500, and Pegasys 2000 Software for Cardkey Security Access Systems, as well as Executone Information Systems advance courses on several of their premier nurse call systems. Mr. Bernal has worked on surface mounted minitiarized components, and has integrated Servers with HVAC and security subsystems at various locations in New Jersey, New York, Connecticut, and Massachusettes. ON TUESDAY JAN 21, 2014 ON AN ARTICLE WHICH MR. BERNAL POSTED ON HIS BLOG:
"I have always enjoyed the field of Christian Apologetics, because it compelled me to search the Scriptures and study them thoroughly for its treasures of truth. And I remember as a young believer in the 70s reading a copy of the late Walter Martin’s classic bestseller, The Kingdom of the Cults, a real treasure. I devoured that book from cover to cover, learning the differences between what the cults taught versus what the Scriptures taught side by side." "So I wish to make it clear here that what I am about to write in this update to my article, I want the reader to understand that I write also as an apologist".... You may be asking what is my point? My point is Mr. Bernal has made exaggerated claims that he is a HISTORIAN AND AN APOLOGIST! Up until now he has not provided any credentials substantiating the above claims FROM ANY THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY/University/College. According to his profile, at best he is nothing more than a biblical instructor/Sunday school teacher for Mr. Cahn's "ARISE AND SHINE ACADEMY". If in fact he is a historian and an apologist as he claims, I challenge him to produce those credentials here or on his blog for all the world to see. If he doesn't, then his claims are not legitimate or verifiable and whatever he writes on his blog needs to be carefully scrutinized. There are many out there in social media like Mr. Jose Bernal that are claiming to have such and such credentials, but in reality what they are trying to do is gain a following. Some of these self proclaimed theologians/religious professionals have even gone as far as asking for financial donations on their blogs or websites(note: I am not implying that Mr. Bernal is asking for financial donations). Dear viewer just be on your guard. This is a serious RED FLAG. For your own benefit, don't accept everything you read and hear on social media as the gospel truth. Develop a discerning heart and test all things. For more helpful information in this area of discernment go to the link below: How To Discern, Test & Judge Rightly http://seraphimre.blogspot.com/2017/04/fair-use-notice_28.html THE FOLLOWING ARE SOME BASELESS ACCUSATIONS THAT JOSE J. BERNAL IS USING AGAINST ME AS A PLOY TO DETER ME FROM SHARING THE TRUTH ABOUT THESE OCCULTIC WRITINGS I HAVE BEEN DISCUSSING ABOUT, MAINLY THE ZOHAR, THE BABYLONIAN TALMUD, & OTHER RABBINICAL WRITING which he and Jonathan Cahn have been using for years to supplement their doctrines & apologetics. IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH JEWISH HATRED OR ANTI-SEMITICISM. ON THE CONTRARY MY CONTENTION FROM THE VERY BEGINING HAS BEEN THAT ANY CHRISTIAN WHO DEFERS TO THE RABBINICAL WRITINGS( EXEGESIS) OF THE RABBIS FOR A PURER UNDERSTANDING OF THE OLD TESTAMENT IS TRAFFICKING IN BABYLONIAN PAGANISM AND DABBLING WITH THE OCCULT. THESE ARE THE FALSE ALLEGATIONS JOSE J. BERNAL HAS MADE AGAINST ME : " The rantings of another lunatic, who in the face of facts, chooses instead to stare at his own navel and say, “Where’s the beef!” (DEAR READER USE YOUR IMAGINATION SO THAT YOU MAY UNDERSTAND WHAT THIS MAN IS IMPLYING HERE). ” This is why you are an Anti-Semite, because as your writing shows, you impute sin exclusively to Jews and not to yourself or anypone else, except those who idsagree with you. The man you write about above is a rabid Anti-Semite and he has poisoned your mind and prejudiced your opinion about Jews in general and Israel in particular”. “you have just been discovered for what you are. an anti-semitic hater of the jewish people, and anyone who hates jews is accursed, according to god’s word in genesis 12″. “Ted W. Pike is a rabid Anti-Semite and Jew-hater, who has attacked the Jewish people and Judaism, and has been cited by the Anti-Defamation League as a dangerous demogogue and Anti-Semite. Your use of his literature here speaks volumes about you”. “this is a copied and paste spam of virilent anti-semitic bilge and has absolutely nothing to do with either the harbinger or the truth about the harbinger. i have repeatedly said and so has jonathan cahn, that neither he or i believe in the talmud, the book of zohar, the teachings of the kaballah based on these, but have proved from them that even they show that jesus is the messiah. i and others here have repeatedly explained this to you, but you continue to copy and paste this absurd bilge”. “You just exposed yourself as a rabid Jew-hating Anti-Semite. Those who hate Jews cannot love Christ, because He is the King of the Jews, and King of Kings and Lord of Lords”. JOSE J. BERNAL MALIGNING OTHER MINISTERS OF THE GOSPEL AND THEIR MINISTRIES: David James, T.A. McMahon, Brannon Howse, Jimmy DeYoung, et al; are today’s version of a cult within the body of Christ, put there to discredit legitimate ministries, and destroy the lives, service, and livelihood of God’s servants. I am convinced of this, inasmuch as these people have misappropriated the good work of Christian Apologetics and have added to it Gossip, Innuendo, Guilt by Association, Misrepresentation, Libel, Slander, Bearing False Witness against another, Speaking Evil of other Christians, Lying in wait to stalk specific Christians of their choosing to find fault – as they’re doing with Jonathan Cahn for over a year and a half – and wholesale acts and behavior unbecoming of people who are supposed to be ambassadors of Christ – all under the umbrella of “Discernment” – which is a twisting of 1Corinthians 12:10 and misapplication of the sign gift of the Holy Spirit imparted to believers to discern spirits – not get into months long tirades against servants of God, and stalking legitimate ministers (such as Jonathan Cahn) to find fault and write about in order to discredit and destroy such ministries" end of qoute. AND THESE ARE THE KIND OF PEOPLE JONATHAN CAHN HAS WORKING FOR HIM IN HIS MINISTRY? |
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