In his famous speech on race relations, “A more Perfect Union,” Obama made reference to supremacist black nationalist belief that blacks are the real Jews, the Chosen People. White supremacists, such as the Christian Identity movement have a similar race-based gnostic concept that whites are the biblical “Chosen People” and inherited the Jews’ covenant with God. This quote is excerpted from the text of the speech that you can read here.
In my first book, Dreams From My Father, I described the experience of my first service at Trinity:“People began to shout, to rise from their seats and clap and cry out, a forceful wind carrying the reverend’s voice up into the rafters….And in that single note – hope! – I heard something else; at the foot of that cross, inside the thousands of churches across the city, I imagined the stories of ordinary black people merging with the stories of David and Goliath, Moses and Pharaoh, the Christians in the lion’s den, Ezekiel’s field of dry bones. Those stories – of survival, and freedom, and hope – became our story, my story; the blood that had spilled was our blood, the tears our tears; until this black church, on this bright day, seemed once more a vessel carrying the story of a people into future generations and into a larger world. Our trials and triumphs became at once unique and universal, black and more than black; in chronicling our journey, the stories and songs gave us a means to reclaim memories that we didn’t need to feel shame about…memories that all people might study and cherish – and with which we could start to rebuild.”
A couple of hundred years ago, some black slaves in America began to identify intensely with the suffering of the Jews of the Old Testament and the captivity of the Jews in Babylon and in Egypt. The idea has been transformed into the basic belief of the the black nationalist cult religious movement. There are a number of black nationalist sects and various groups identify themselves as Muslims, Jews or Christians, but they are really not any of these and have more in common with each other than they do with the religions to which they claim to belong. Black nationalists maintain that they are “the real Jews” and that “white” Jews are apostate. They revile traditional Christianity as a religion designed to keep blacks (and other non-whites) enslaved and oppressed. It is not a church, but an anti-church.
That is what Obama refers to above. The Black Liberation Theology of Obama’s sect under Jeremiah Wright explicitly states that blacks are the “Chosen People” and that whites and America will face retribution for slavery. The following quote is from Black Theology and Black Power” by James H. Cone (1969), page 151, his first book on Black Liberation Theology.
Furthermore, Black Liberation Theology teaches that white society is the Antichrist and America’s democratic institutions, such as the Constitution, are the demonic tool of the “Antichrist,” used by the Antichrist to hold the non-white peoples of the world in oppression and servitude. This quote is taken from “Black Theology and Black Power” by James H. Cone (1969), page 135.Therefore, God’s Word of reconciliation means that we can only be justified by becoming black. Reconciliation makes us all black. Through this radical change, we become identified totally with the suffering of the black masses.It is this fact that makes all white churches anti-Christian in their essence. To be Christian is to be one of those whom God has chosen. God has chosen black people!
Because Black Theology is biblical theology seeking to create new value-perspectives for the oppressed, it is revolutionary theology. It is a theology which confronts white society as the racist Antichrist, communicating to the oppressor that nothing will be spared in the fight for freedom. It is this attitude which distinguishes it from white American theology and identifies it with the religionists of the Third World.
Black Liberation Theology, like the broader theology of black nationalism, is a bizarre, supremacist, cult religious belief system and Americans need to learn more about it, in order to understand Obama’s motivations. Obama often reveals his black nationalist beliefs in his actions as well as his words. Traditional Christianity was not taught at Trinity United Church of Christ and that is the only church that Obama ever joined.
If the foundation books on Black Liberation Theology by James H. Cone are compared to the doctrine of the broader black nationalist movement, you can see that Black Liberation Theology is just a more sophisticated version of the theology of the broader black nationalist movement. The books by Elijah Muhammad, available on Amazon, are probably the best description of the black identity theology of black nationalism. Read some of the books by or about Elijah Muhammad and compare the basic beliefs that the black race is God and the white race the devil to the basic beliefs of Black Liberation Theology, the doctrine of Obama’s black nationalist sect in Chicago.
Some have suggested that Obama is a psychopathic Narcissist, a psychological disorder endemic to politicians and cult leaders. Such people are attracted to cult doctrines like the religious doctrine of black racial nationalism, because it justifies their megalomaniacal feelings of having a divine mission in the world.
click on the link below and read this outstanding research paper
COOPER P. ABRAMS III: The Origin of Race
click on the link below and read this outstanding research paper
COOPER P. ABRAMS III: The Origin of Race
This 52-page document goes into great detail as to how these individuals have incited a race war in America and Larry Klayman is not letting up.
Note: the following is an edited version of the below article. To read the unedited version, go to the link below

Question: Why are Blacks considered human? Why are Blacks and non-Blacks
considered part of the same species? We could not look more different,
act more different, or have more different personalities than them.
There is a vast genetic divergence between Blacks and non-Blacks dating
back 100,000 years. And even though Blacks and non-Blacks can have
fertile offspring, biologically that has never been used as the
exclusive standard for whether you belong to the same species or not.
Phenotypic Variations Between Blacks and Non-Blacks
Blacks have wide noses, kinky hair, black skin, high waist-to-hip
ratios, prognathic jaws, long arms, and soulless, vacant eyes.
Everything about them is ugly.Blacks have the lowest IQ in the world (ignoring the equally disgusting and black-skinned Australian aborigines for convenience’s sake). The Bushmen clock in at around 50 IQ, the average Bantu achieves the mentally retarded level of 70 IQ, and the highly cultivated, well fed, well cared for, partially White African-Americans reach 85 IQ. IQ has an enormous impact on lifestyle, achievement, and behavior. IQ correlates to poverty, crime, mortality, and broken homes on one side — and education, wealth, human accomplishment, long life and stable homes on the other. According to IQ and the Wealth of Nations, a country must have a minimum average IQ of 90 to run a technological civilization. It is not a far cry to say it is IQ that makes humans better than the animals, and it is IQ that makes some humans better than other humans.
That’s not all though. Blacks are unique in that when we arrived, they had no written language, no wheel, no architectural works, nothing at all that would indicate they live a human existence. Whereas literature and palaces and cities existed in almost every corner of the earth, from the Incas to the Indians to the Persians to the Chinese to Stonehenge to Ankar Wat in Cambodia — nothing existed in Africa. For the past 100,000 years non-Blacks have been spreading across the globe, building pyramids and cities, developing new technology, domesticating animals and crops, covering themselves in finely decorated clothing, and living essentially human lives. Blacks, meanwhile, stayed nearly naked, self-mutilating, technology-less, with no domesticated animals, no written language, no wheel, no stone buildings, no metalworking, nothing.
Virtually every other non-Black group came up with an admirable or at least interesting religion or philosophy which was recorded and taught to a priesthood. Indians had the Vedas and the Upanishads, Chinese had Confucianism, Daoism, and various sects of Buddhism. Europeans had Virgil, Horace, and Homer to write down their pagan religion, with Plato, Aristotle, and numberless other greats to record their philosophy. Even the Aztecs had a corpus of literature which was, unfortunately, burnt and destroyed by the Spanish invaders. Shintoism was developed in Japan, the epic of Gilgamesh was recorded in ancient Babylonian times, and Egypt authored the Book of the Dead. Only Black Africa (and assorted primitives in Australasia) hadn’t recorded or created any official religion or philosophy. Blacks still rely on voodoo, witchcraft, black magic, and animism with no particular pantheon of Gods, no priesthood, not anything that could develop them past superstition and barbarism.
Today it is questionable what Blacks could achieve on their own, without the intervention of others giving to them all the things they could never produce or maintain themselves. Though we see Blacks walking around in business suits, speaking English, shooting guns, and making use of all sorts of non-Black generated goods and services and inventions and ideas and discoveries — none of them originate from the Black man. Without the continuous intervention of charity into Black Africa, it’s unknown whether they could even maintain what they have, or if they would simply regress back to mud huts the moment we left. All current Black civilization is in fact transplanted non-Black civilization. There is not as yet a single Black civilization on Earth that has independently developed and maintained its own technological and philosophical way of life. No Blacks have won any Nobel prizes in the hard sciences, Fields medals, or gotten any spot on a list of human accomplishment that would represent some major scientific or technological advancement for the world.
Geography can be no excuse, because Blacks today live all across the world. Blacks in France, the UK, and the USA are given preferential treatment and access to college educations, and yet they still produce nothing. At the same time, Whites who lived in South Africa and Zimbabwe made them into decent, First World nations without a problem. There is nothing about the African continent inimical to modern life, it is simply the fact that it is populated by Blacks.
Nor can some strange combination of bad luck and being separate from other civilizations explain Black under performance. After all, Blacks have been connected to the outside world since the 1400s. They have had centuries to modernize and improve themselves in Africa with full access to modern knowledge and technology. In contrast, it took Japan about twenty years to modernize from a feudal Samurai culture to a fully modern industrial state which then took on and defeated Russia in 1900. Blacks have had centuries in the USA to do all sorts of human activities, immersed in White culture, knowledge, and technology. Instead all they do is riot, rape, steal, sell drugs, and demand more handouts from the government. Germany recovered from WWII in just ten years, becoming yet again a prosperous, powerful, and leading-edge modern civilization. Africans meanwhile cannot recover from ‘colonization,’ ’slavery,’ or ‘discrimination’ after centuries. Haiti has been an all-Black, independent, free state since the Napoleonic wars, 200 years ago. Even so, its lifestyle and standard of living perfectly matches that of darkest Africa. In those 200 years it hasn’t progressed an inch. In fact it has probably regressed since that time. Their neighbors in the Dominican Republic have immensely better statistics than them in all fields. Instead of a failed state, the Dominican Republic takes care of its people, has a working government, and doesn’t need charity. The difference? Their population is non-Black. All of the old, tired excuses are refuted by geography and history.
The Black murder rate is nine times that of the White/Hispanic (combined!) murder rate. It is 36 times as high as the Asian murder rate. Blacks are the majority of AIDS cases and all other STDs, their STD rates are completely out of proportion to all other groups. Even homosexuals have a hard time keeping up with the Black STD rates. No ordinary healthy human has the sexual habits of the Black race. Whereas every other people on earth developed a family structure, Blacks still roam around aimlessly screwing everyone they meet and never staying to raise the child. Seventy percent of Black children in the USA are illegitimate. In Africa, women largely do all the work and raise the kids while the men commit crime or sit around chewing leaves or smoking something. Domestic violence among Blacks is atrocious. Rape is endemic. The human race does not act like this; their morals and habits are completely different.
Good things can be said of virtually every group or civilization on earth. This is unsurprising, given the fact that everyone on earth is descended from the same small tribe that left Africa 100,000 years ago. East Asians are such decent, advanced people they are comparable to Whites. Unsurprisingly, they only diverged from the White race 40,000 years ago. There is only one group nothing good can be said about, there is only one group completely unrelated to the rest of the human race, and that is the Black African. There is enough genetic variation between Blacks and non-Blacks that any objective scientist, classifying us like they would classify various animal species, would label us different species. On one side humans, on the other Blacks. There is enough phenotypic, common sense variation, that again it is an insult to categorize Blacks among the human race. They are nothing like us and they never will be; they are worse in every way. Call them orcs, or trolls, devils, or whatever you like — they are not human.
Uncomfortable Truths: Are Africans lazy?
development pales when compared to Western or Eastern development.
There may be other reasons why this is so but the fact that we are not
trying hard enough cannot be avoided.
January 8th, 2017
2015, the Deputy Minister of Co-operative Governance and Traditional
Affairs in the South African cabinet, Mr Obed Bapela said of his
countrymen, “South Africans do not want to get their hands dirty and
rely on the government to provide them with free housing and free
schooling.” He basically called them “a lazy nation”. A little while
later, fake news websites peddled falsities
of a Donald Trump speech where he said Africans are lazy fools only
good at eating, lovemaking and thuggery. This speech was a hoax that
served as click-bait and inflamed a lot of people but whoever created
the fake speech simply exploited a widely held sentiment. Fast forward
to June 2016, a Sandton pastor allegedly called black people lazy.
Pastor Andrew Olivier is said to have told his congregants, “White
people aren’t bad, it’s the black people that are lazy.”
African countries were colonized, that is a fact and no one should ever
pretend that evil epoch never existed. However, colonization cannot be
overstretched to then account for every failure in contemporary society.
It is a problem when we become hardliners, unwilling to rationally
consider all reasons Africa is not succeeding as much as it should.
There are too many extreme and polarizing views and yet not as many
rational answers for the continent’s plight. To put this into
perspective, the believers of colonization being the reason for the
current struggles will pretend it is the sole and exclusive reason.
According to that thinking, every negative in contemporary society is a
result of colonialism. This is denialism at its best. On the other end
of the spectrum will be those who believe Africans are just lazy and
want to reap where they did not sow. This breed will deny the existence
of “white privilege” or the unfair global economics order choosing
instead to attribute every problem Africa faces to the laziness of
Africans and by implication, the West is privileged because of hardwork
alone with no hint of exploitation. Both schools of thought apply in a
world of absolutes but this current world is not that. There is a mix of
everything and it is high time we confronted that mix. Colonialism,
resultant self-deprecation, laziness, lack of capital and politics among
many other things have played a part in keeping Africa behind. We will
get emotional when we are told that we are lazy but it is time for
Laziness means we could have been
doing more with what we have but we choose not to. From my observations,
I have seen a lot more white people with an admirable working ethic
than I have fellow blacks. This is no factual finding backed by
statistical truths but the sentiment is echoed by how I see my fellows
attempting to avoid companies or institutions which belong to fellow
black people because of fear of poor service and excuses. In Zimbabwe,
we call them “Museyamwa businesses” and these are not half as organised
as they should be. They will churn out excuse after excuse for not
delivering especially if the client pays before service is rendered. One
may take this view to be a product of our own inferiority complex but
the Museyamwa businesses are not doing a good job of getting the
confidence of the people. They are the perfect encapsulation of laziness
and sluggishness thus making it difficult to exclusively subscribe to
the inferiority narrative. The inferiority complex cannot explain
reprehensible behavior away. Small businesses in Africa should be the
hotbed of innovation with governments sponsoring new inventions but the
innovations are simply not coming. In many African countries, there are
many learned people but this has amounted to nothing in developmental
terms. It is as if we are learning so we can formulate better excuses
for failing. Economies are still dependent on commodities thus driving
us into recession whenever prices fall. Countries like Kenya where
innovation is bein supported at every level and the people are working
to create and contribute to humanity are the exceptions. Africa’s
position in the world cannot be respected if it produces nothing the
world cannot do without save for minerals and land. Even those minerals
are being mined by the Chinese and the Europeans while we wait for them
to give us jobs. We are becoming our own worst enemies.
development pales when compared to Western or Eastern development.
There may be other reasons why this is so but the fact that we are not
trying hard enough cannot be avoided. Claiming we are still reeling from
colonialism decades after is giving ourselves a convenient reason to
relax and achieve nothing. Exploitation happened but our strength will
be proved by creating and contributing to the advancement of humanity.
The fact that Africa still has a lot to develop is in itself not a
problem but a business opportunity. There is space for buildings to be
built, concept cars to be created, smart cities to be built and new
products to invent. Our space is not yet crowded and we should do more
with it. Have we been lazy? Yes. Were we colonized? Yes. Is that enough
to stop us from progressing? By no means!
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