Question: "What is the Zohar?"
Answer: The Zohar is a commentary on the Hebrew Scriptures and the primary source of the beliefs of Kabbalah, a mystical form of Judaism. According to Kabbalah, this text was written in the 2nd century AD by Shimon bar Yochai. Supposedly, bar Yochai was inspired by visions from the angel Gabriel to record secret, powerful knowledge about interpreting the Torah. Unlike other Jewish commentaries on the Torah, known as the Mishnah or Midrash, the Zohar is heavily mystical and occultic- or witchcraft-based approach to spirituality. Kabbalists believe that Jewish leadership during the Roman era considered such knowledge to be too powerful for the common man, and so they suppressed it.
According to the Zohar, God’s message in the Torah is meant to be understood at four levels: literal, allegorical, Rabbinic, and secretive. In other words, the more powerful and truthful purpose of the Torah is only accessible to those with special knowledge and insight, per Kabbalah. This places the Zohar and Kabbalah firmly in the sphere ofGnosticism and mysticism.
The text of the Zohar was unknown until first published in the 13th century by Moses de León. De León claimed the writings to be traditions passed down from Shimon bar Yochai many centuries before. However, most modern scholars, Jewish and otherwise, believe that de León himself actually composed the Zohar’s content. De León’s publication came from a place and era when Gnostic concepts were in fashion. Also, no mention is made of the Zohar or its contents in any midrash known prior to de León’s publication of the Zohar.
Mainstream Christianity considers the Zohar and Kabbalah to be false teachings in the same vein as other Gnostic and mystical cults. The same is true of all major sects of mainstream Judaism, although some Jewish scholars see the Zohar as useful for gaining insight into Jewish thinking, and some use the Zohar to provide additional opinions on the meaning of the Torah.
The Zohar and Orthodox Judaism: A Homo-Erotic Culture
There are many aspects of Orthodox Judaism that have homosexual features, including male-only, nude ritual baths and episodic segregation from women. Since generations of adult Judaic males were molested as infants by the mohel, they are marked for darkness through this heinous act, just as surely as the Christian is marked for light by baptism. Prior to the modern era, every Orthodox Judaic male was molested as an infant, and then as a child growing up and as an adult he witnessed a series of ritual molestations at subsequent circumcisions. Quite naturally, the sight of repeated acts of fellatio perpetrated by adult males on baby boys leads to the creation of a subtle homosexual culture that permeates the whole of Orthodox Judaism. Subsequent homosexual acts as adults, in particular involving rabbis, are covered up, as required, as stipulated in BT Mo'ed Katan 17a and the halackos of lashon hara (laws against "evil speech"). Orthodox Judaism is a single-sex society, immersed in a milieu of homosexuality, or as the Judaic homosexual journalist Jay Michaelson terms it, homo-eroticism: "The minor Jewish holiday of Lag B'Omer, the 33rd day after the beginning of Passover, is traditionally observed as the yahrzeit 824 of Rabbi Shimon Bar Yohai, to whom has been ascribed the authorship of the Zohar, masterpiece of Kabbalah... Up to 30,000 people converge on his tomb and dance through the night and throughout the entire next day. Given that the tomb complex itself is only the size of an average suburban house, the crowding is intense... Of course, the hordes are separated -men on one side, women on the other. And so for the entire time I was there, I was sandwiched between a moving mass of male humanity. There was no personal space whatsoever; every part of my body, except my head, was in full contact with a part of someone else's body. There were rare instances where I stumbled into a gap in the crowd. But most of the time, I had to surrender to its ebbs and flows, pushing through the sea of flesh to get where I wanted to go. The full body contact in an undulating, dancing, ecstatic, sweaty, loud, and extremely excited crowd of men was only the beginning. Men were dancing with each other, embracing one another, laughing and celebrating, singing at the top of their lungs. Bonfires were burning. And the dancing was erotic, sensual. Two men, captured on video by a friend of mine performed sensual yichudim (unifications) using each other's bodies as the medium for the Divine. They ran their hands a few inches from one another's bodies - imagine the hand-gestures a sailor might make to show the outline of a curvaceous woman, except the woman is actually there, except the woman is actually a man. "The two men made eye contact, slid around one another like a pair of belly-dancers, with seductive expressions on their faces. Had I not seen it myself, I would not have believed it. This was not the deracinated 'simcha dancing' popular in more moderate Orthodox circles. This was ecstatic, erotic.. Now, these were haredi men living in a virtually all-male environment, seeing their wives only a few hours each day and avoiding conversations with all other women. They had been educated in single-sex yeshivas. "There is a longstanding Jewish custom to immerse in the mikva, the ritual bath, before the sabbath and holidays. Some hasidic men do it every morning before prayer or study. According to halacha, only women are required to immerse in the mikva, after menstruation, as a purification rite. But it is a custom which has become widespread. The mikva, is seen as purifying one from an array of sins - but most importantly, that of shichvat zera,, or spilled seed. Jewish law is very concerned with the discharges of the body, chiefly blood and semen, both of which were believed to contain the life-energy of a person... "In Mea Shearim, the oldest haredi neighborhood in Jerusalem, the pre-sabbath mikva has been expanded to a wild extreme. I visited a complex with a traditional schvitz (steam room) combined with three mikvas (warm, hot, and scalding) and group showers. Old men, young men, adolescents, and boys filled the complex, with far more personal body contact than I saw even in the Turkish bathhouses of Europe. In the schvitz, it was not unusual for a man to bend over, hand the man behind him the traditional platza branches, and ask him to whip him with it - or, as an alternative, to hand the man a soapy rag and ask for a massage. I have no interest in S&M (sado-masochism), and so have only seen it practiced a few times... There was, as far as I could see, little phenomenological difference between what I saw there and what I saw at the Mea Shearim schvitz. Again, no 'sex.' But the whipping sound, followed by passionate sighs from the man being whipped. The occasional grunts of men, HARDER! THE SMELLS OF NAKED MEN.
Evil Teachings of Kabballah/The Zohar/The Talmud
Torah Restoration Ministries - Evangelist Daniel John Lee
Kabbalah Secrets Christians Need to Know:
An In Depth Study of the Kosher Pig
and the Gods of Jewish Mysticism
A top selling book in Christianity and Ministry on Amazon!
by Deanne Loper
live in a time when false teachings are infiltrating Christian Theology
at a rapid rate. This important book exposes one of the greatest
threats to pure Biblical Christianity. Deanne Loper uncovers the
deception by giving a detailed description of what Kabbalah is and
equips believers to recognize it in its morphed form of Christianity.
The evidence shows that the god of today’s Babylonian and kabbalistic
Judaism is NOT the God of the Bible and that the current convergence of
Christians coming under rabbinic authority will bring them, not to the
one true God of the Bible, but to the subservience of the god of
Kabbalah – Ein Sof – and to its hierarchy of gods.
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