"Four Rutgers Newark campus police officers, including the department's second in command, have resigned after they were accused of violating department policies, a University spokeswoman said. The four resigned November 6, 2000 after they declined a hearing before university officials to answer accusations made against them, said Helen Paxton a university spokeswoman. Among the policies the officers were accused of violating were guidelines for filing criminal incident reports and handling evidence, Paxton said. The officers are not facing criminal charges she said.
Just a side note here: What happens if a police officer files a false police report?
Filing a False Report by a Police Officer is a wobbler offense. That means that it can be prosecuted as a felony or a misdemeanor, depending on the circumstances of the offense and the criminal history, if any, of the officer. For more information see link: What is police misconduct and corruption? | USAttorneys.com
The above complaints stemmed from an investigation which began last summer initiated by the rank and file against Rutgers-Newark Police Chief Ottoviano Cilenti (the RINGMASTER behind the criminal activities that was taking place within this dept). He was fired by Rutgers University on or about May 2000 for mismanaging his RUTGER'S POLICE SECURITY MONKEY OUT FIT after complaints were made to the University against him by 14 Rutgers Police Officers Paxton said. She declined to elaborate on the nature of those complaints(more information with regards to the nature of those complaints will be provided below which were not provided in this official press release). Those who resigned were identified as Capt Tom Kozakiewicz, Detective Francis Esser, and Lts. Paul Burt and John Prendeville. Reached at home last night Frank Esser refused to comment. Two other officers were disciplined or suspended( Lt. Robert Hahn & Jimmy Rivera in lieu of being terminated), but Paxton would not give their names or the nature of the measures taken against them, citing personnel confidentiality rules. Rutgers Newark Police is seeking to replace the officers said Paxton".
So what was the nature of these complaints which Ms. Paxton refused to comment on in her cover story? Simply put Rutgers Newark Police with the approval of their RINGMASTER Chief Otto Cilenti illegally installed video surveillance cameras inside the police officer's locker rooms which served no legitimate business necessity for the University or the police dept in violation of N.J. State Privacy Laws! Based upon one of the officers I spoke to at the time who was still working there, Rutgers desperately tried to dodge the bullet by attempting to justify that the video surveillance served a legitimate business necessity. This was just a pretext in order for this TOXIC Chief of police (Cilenti) and his power base of sycophants to subject these police officers to workplace bullying! This resulted in 14 police officers filing a class action lawsuit against the University. The case was settled out of court in favor of the 14 police officers who also requested the termination of the officers mentioned above as part of their lawsuit settlement(see paragraph below for more details on lawful use of video surveillance).
Just a side note here: One individual who was not mentioned in the Star Ledger article above is former Captain Douglas Dickerson. He was among this group of sycophants who was in cahoot with his Ring Master Otto Cilenti. He obviously was able to retire/bail out before all of this exploded. Then he was rehired temporarily as acting Chief of Police until RPD found a permanent replacement. My fellow officer informant told me that Mr. Dickerson the wannabe chief of police made a bid for this position but he was BOOTED OUT because the University later realized HE WAS NO GOOD!
University Police officers are under the delusion that somehow they are
equivalent to State Troopers because of the designation "State
Rutgers University and its police department are not the State of New Jersey," the NJ State Supreme court's opinion has stated in the past. "Rutgers University has been described as a 'hybrid institution - meaning at one and the same time as private and public, with the State of NJ being granted a major voice in management, hence the designation 'State University.'"
When employers use video cameras to monitor employees, they must have a legitimate business reason. State privacy laws may determine the extent at which video monitoring is considered legitimate and therefore lawful (check with your state labor agency for more details). Most of these laws limiting video camera use in the workplace pertain to restrooms, break rooms, and other areas for which there is a reasonable expectation of privacy. California law, for example prohibits the use of two-way mirrors in restrooms, locker rooms, and similar locations.

First let me begin my stating that back then we had a white lieutenant whom I will call here Lt. FREE BIRD. Lt. Free Bird was very open about being gay.
Next we had two officers who would go to the student dorms to have sex with the girls. They both were married with children. The Hispanic officer told me once that he took one of the girls into the men's room in one of the academic buildings (Hill Hall) to engage in sexual intercourse with her. After that encounter, I met that young lady while on foot patrol. I didn't know who she was until she started asking me concerning the whereabouts of this Hispanic officer. I later told this Hispanic officer that a girl was looking for him. He told me that was the girl he had sexual intercourse with in the men's room and that he was just ignoring her. This poor girl became emotionally hooked with this married man. He just used her as a sexual outlet and tossed her aside like a filthy dirty rag. After that day, I never saw that pretty white female ever again. He also told me on another occasion that he sexually engaged another female student in her dorm room (Talbott Apts) until her vaginal fluids went dry.
The second officer who was black, had the habit of parking the patrol car on the campus plaza between Dana Library and Robeson Campus Center between the hours 12:00am to 6:00am. He would then spend those six hours in the student dorms across the street (Talbott Apts/Woodhard Hall) having sexual intercourse with every girl that he could get his hands on. One evening while in the locker room during shift change at police headquarters in front of several officers who were present including myself, he stated that the only reason he was doing all this whoring around is because when he reaches the age of 65, he doesn't want to have any regrets. Ultimately in June 1997 one of the girls found out what he was doing to her and the other girls. She reported him to RPD. Shortly afterward he was arrested and fired. By the way, this same individual has a criminal conviction for drug trafficking and was granted probation by a Judge. And Rutgers Police commissioned this man to be a police officer? And if that was not enough, after Rutgers University fired him in June 1997 they rehired him as an adjunct professor teaching Sociology. WHAT ARE THESE PEOPLE AT R.U. NUTS? He was a professor alright. HE WENT FROM BEING A PYSCHO COP TO A NUTTY PROFESSOR!
During the early 1990's it was an open secret at RPD that this black officer from time to time would spend the weekends at the house of Lieutenant Free bird as previously mentioned above. It was rumored around the Police dept that this black officer, whom I refer to here as MC Borneo was Lt . Free bird's banger on weekends. One evening this black officer and myself were dispatched to Blumenthal Hall in response to a burglar alarm where the Jazz Institute was, before being permanently moved to Dana Library. As we were checking the area, he noticed a magazine by the window. When he opened it up it was a homosexual pornographic magazine. He began to flip through the pages rapidly while drooling at the images. When he was done, he showed me the magazine but I refused to look at it after realizing what it actually was. This led me to seriously question this man's sexual orientation. Was he a homosexual still in hiding, or was this incident an indication that this man was struggling with homosexual tendencies? Only God knows what was going on between Mc Borneo and Lieutenant Free Bird behind closed doors.
There is a lot more that can be said about this individual with regards to his past corrupt Law Enforcement career i.e. his ex-wife in December 1993 alleged that he threatened to shoot her at their home with his duty weapon but was unable to prove it because it was her word against his. Also engaging in police brutality, workplace bullying, dereliction of duty, sleeping during prisoner watch at Newark Police Dept's city jail etc. Someone could probably write a book about him. However, I will limit myself to what I have disclosed here for now. Consider this information which I've shared above as an uncensored version of his obituary . A fellow officer at RPD back in 1990 once made this prediction: "IF THIS INDIVIDUAL KEEPS GOING THE WAY HE IS GOING RIGHT NOW, HE WILL SELF DESTRUCT"! Unfortunately Officer R.B. did not live long enough to see his prediction come to fruition. To the best of my knowledge, I am the only former police officer from Rutgers Police from those past years mentioned above who was around to witness BORNEO CHARLIE's bitter end.
On March 25, 2019 this sexual predator, and sycophant met his eternal demise when his wife found him dead in their house. He never reached the age of 65 like he thought he would as quoted above. He was 54 years old. Cause of death: a self induced heart attack. THERE WAS A NURSE WHO HAD FIRST HAND KNOWLEDGE who told me that he suffered from hypertension at a level that was considered life threatening. Rumors at his place of employment among medical professionals attribute his death to his use of cocaine. I find these rumors PLAUSIBLE given the fact that in his teen age years he was known to be a drug dealer in the streets of Newark, NJ. He divulged that information himself to an employee at his workplace and his claims were later verified through his criminal record. This employee (whose name I choose not to disclose here) shared with me this information directly and was later verified by her uncle who back in the day was a drug dealer himself working the streets of Newark with Mc Borneo. Also medical science provides evidence proving that use of cocaine can induce a heart attack. See the following link:https://www.healthline.com/health/cocaine-heart-attack: WHAT EFFECTS DOES COCAINE HAVE ON YOUR HEART?
There is no doubt in my mind that this wretched human spending an eternity boiling in red hot lava while learning a difficult lesson the hard way. Mainly: "YOU REAP WHAT YOU SOW, MORE THAN WHAT YOU SOW, LATER THAN WHAT YOU SOW".

Signs of a Sex Addict
WAS THE RINGMASTER BEHIND THE RUTGERS POLICE HORNY PORNY SHOW during intermission. And instead of showing us training video tapes exclusively for in service fire arms training, he instead started playing hardcore pornography videos to all who were present. Those officers who were present of course were having a good time enjoying the Rutgers Police HORNY PORNY SHOW while laughing! As for me I just got up and left the classroom totally disgusted and came back later when it was safe to do so. By the way in January 1995 this sex addict left RPD to work for Edison Police Dept, one of the most corrupt police depts in the state of N.J. He was one of 11 officers who was named in the Wagon Wheel of death investigation probe by the Edison Police Dept's Internal Affairs Unit back in 2013.Dear viewer: While these sexual predators from RPD were busy getting laid in academic buildings and student dorms and who knows where else, while their supervisor was browsing the pages of pornographic magazines in police headquarters, how many students from R.U. were having their cars stolen, burglarized or hi-jacked, laptops, textbooks or other personal belongings stolen, female students being gang raped in fraternity houses, students being robbed at gun point or subjected to strong arm robbery? How many academic buildings or local businesses were being burglarized? How many people were being shot or stabbed? How many female employees from physical plant who worked the midnight shift cleaning the offices of academic buildings were raped? What if there is ever a mass shooting in one of R.U. college campuses like what occurred at Virginia Tech University in April 2007?(Virginia Tech shooting - Wikipedia).
What explanation will Rutgers University attempt to offer to the family members of those victims?
When it comes to Rutgers University Police; corruption empowers, and absolute corruption empowers absolutely!
It's a darn shame that parents from all over the world are investing thousands of dollars on their child's education thinking that they are 100% safe from sexual predators and criminals who roam the campuses of R.U. Some of these sexual predators were right there beside me wearing a badge, gun and uniform while on duty. To the best of my knowledge most if not all are gone from Rutgers. Maybe things have changed or improved since my departure from this police dept more than 2 decades ago. But I doubt this very much because Law Enforcement agencies are the second most corrupt profession in the world. And that doesn't nullify the fact that RPD has a history of police corruption. AND IT WOULDN'T SURPRISE ME IF ONE DAY HISTORY PROVES THAT RPD WENT DOWN AS ONE OF THE MOST CORRUPT POLICE DEPTS AMONG NJ'S ACADEMIC INSTITUTIONS OF HIGHER LEARNING! I have nothing good to say about it. And neither do I have anything good to say about Rutgers University and their faculty/staff for allowing these young female students to become the victims of sexual exploitation right underneath their noses.
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