This country has made a terrible mistake in making this a national holiday. We are perhaps the most stupid country in the world who rewards domestic urban terrorist and black racist mongers, who have destroyed innocent lives and businesses totaling in the billions of dollars with a national holiday. Yet these corrupt politicians set up a gofundme page to bail out these criminals:

President Vladimir Putin of Russia must be laughing his face off by now. Especially when just a few days ago at the G7 Summit in Geneva, Switzerland he made reference to the civil revolts which has taken place here in America. He bluntly stated he would never allow a movement like Black Lives Matter to get away with what they did in America if that were to ever happen in Russia. I don't know about you, but I believe we are losing/have lost this country. On the surface these African Americans make this all appear like they are simply honoring their ancestors who were the victims of slavery. They canonize hardcore criminals like George Floyd as innocent victims so they can continue their ruthless war against our men and women in blue. But that is all just a political ploy. Their ultimate goal is to remake America by overthrowing the current political capitalist system, and replacing it with MARXISM. They are doing this by restructuring the political landscape by voting into office corrupt politicians who are willing to cater to their racist ideology of Black Supremacy. Their Black Supremacy Doctrine bears a striking parallel with Hitler's Aryan Nation White Supremacy doctrine. Also by intermarrying with white European Americans so as to produce a half breed mulatto race. They are the most DYSFUNCTIONAL RACE IN AMERICA and statistics do not lie. I have met Africans who have told me they don't like or get along with the blacks here in America because they consider them animals. I am convinced that their ultimate go is to turn this nation into the United States of African Americans. Wake up white America before it's too late. They are trying to replace you! You may be wondering why I call this a ludicrous bill. Well here are the facts with videos attached at the end of this narrative. Okay let's get started.

10. Play the Victim
One of the biggest reasons racism exists is that black people love playing the victim. It has been one of the favorite Negro pastimes ever since Africans locked themselves in chains, stowed away on American cruise ships and crossed the Atlantic Ocean. Apparently, we are so in love with this dangerous activity, we are willing to subject our bodies to bullets and police batons just to participate in our own victimhood. We have passed it down through generations by naming our children whatever the hell we want, in hopes that employers will continue the practice of throwing their résumés in the trash. None of this is white people’s fault. It is black people’s fault because, by pointing out systemic inequalities like wage discrimination, school funding and disparities in the criminal-justice system, we waste valuable time not working twice as hard as our white counterparts to get half as much.
9. Engage in Identity Politics
When black people vote for black candidates, they are playing right into the hands of identity politics. Despite the fact that Donald Trump’s white voters were motivated by race, female voters are encouraged to vote for female candidates, Catholics voted for John F. Kennedy, Mormons voted for Mitt Romney, and politicians openly invoke their Christian identity to appeal to evangelical voters, the moniker of “identity politics” applies only to black voters. A majority of white people have never voted for a black presidential candidate. Yet it is black people who keep racism alive because white is not considered a political identity. It is a birthright.
8. Make Everything About Race
Even when black people have no intention of playing the victim, they indirectly keep racism alive simply by making everything about race. For instance, when a group of Upper West Side parents in New York City objected to plans to integrate one of the most segregated school districts in America, The Root fellow Anne Branigin decided to make the parents’ anger all about race. Anyone laboring under the delusion that New York City is a progressive bastion need look no further. In this instance, Branigin secretly stood at the entrance to the meeting and kept black parents from attending. Then she egregiously used actual quotes from actual parents who complained about black and Hispanic children attending the schools. In this case, it wasn’t the outraged parents, the school district or the history of segregation. It was Branigin’s fault for twisting an incident that was not at all about race into something that was all about race.
7. Discuss History
Black people love bringing up old stuff like slavery, history and truth. They will often bring up slavery at inopportune times, like history classes. The only logical reason blacks insist on making every discussion on the Civil War about slavery and white supremacy is that every available historical document about the Civil War actually cites slavery and white supremacy as the reasons for the conflict, and mentions nothing about Southern pride and cultural heritage. Every Confederate state that wrote a declaration of secession mentioned slavery. When Confederate President Jefferson Davis said, “White men have an equality resulting from a presence of a lower caste, which cannot exist where white men fill the position here occupied by the servile race,” he was apparently trying to keep racism alive. He did a damn good job, too.
6. Be a Reverse Racist
One of the newest techniques in the field of racism technology is oppressing white people. Despite the fact that white people control every branch of the federal government, the financial industry, the entertainment industry, corporate America and the production of white tears, most white people feel that they are discriminated against. Recently, white people have been forced to endure the harmful effects of only working jobs for which they are qualified and having their grades and test scores determine where they attend college. Meanwhile, blacks benefit from affirmative action mandates that allow them to apply for jobs for which they are qualified and to be accepted into colleges based on their grades and test scores. How racist.
5. Use Facts
A 2015 study shows that the only significant determining factor in predicting whether someone shot and killed by police was unarmed is whether or not the victim was black. Schools with higher numbers of black students receive less funding. Black men receive longer prison sentences than white men who commit the same crimes. These are facts. But people who mention these peer-reviewed, scientific studies are playing the race card because, obviously, numbers are biased against Caucasians. As a matter of fact, pointing out the measurable, quantifiable existence of racism is, in and of itself, an extreme act of bigotry against white people. Facts are racist.
4. Mention the Words “White Privilege”
A recent study showed that black kids born to rich parents are as likely to be incarcerated as white kids born to parents making $36,000 per year. The study showed that, regardless of the neighborhood, education or income of black parents, their children will likely earn less than white kids whose parents are poorer and less educated and live in better neighborhoods. Black kids receive harsher discipline in schools. Whites are more likely to sell drugs, but blacks are more likely to be arrested for it. Black boys are perceived as older and less innocent than white kids the same age. Meanwhile, white children are exempt from being disadvantaged and criminalized at birth. But referring to that reality as “white privilege” means that you are attacking white people and being racist. Fortunately, whites have solved this problem. No, they haven’t worked to eliminate prejudice (don’t be silly). Instead, they just introduced an alternative, semantics-based solution. There is no such thing as white privilege. Black people are just underprivileged. See. They fixed it for you.
3. Don’t Blame Black People
It is possible to breathe life into racism without even talking to white people. For instance, according to the FBI’s Uniform Crime Report, combined with U.S. population estimates, in any given year, 95 percent of black people don’t commit a crime. In black neighborhoods, the number of anti-violence marches, education initiatives and crime-prevention groups far outweigh the number of Black Lives Matter marches. Yet black people don’t want to talk about black-on-black crime. Why? Maybe it’s because white people never see these efforts, since media outlets don’t deem them newsworthy. Maybe it’s because, contrary to stereotypes, there is such a small percentage of black criminals. And maybe white people don’t know about these examples because there is no reason to talk to white people about black issues. Nah, it’s gotta be because we’d rather keep racism alive by blaming whites.
2. Say “White People”
Because white people are accustomed to being seen as individuals, they hate being referred to as white people. It chaps their hides. Even laughing at the caucalicious phrase “chaps their hide” is racist, as is any variation of the term “white people,” including, but not limited to, “colonizer,” “mayonaisse American,” “undermelanated,” “a citizen of Rhythmless Nation” or “a Michael Rapaportian.”1. Be Black
Most people don’t know that white people are scientifically incapable of tasting seasonings (which saves them a lot of money but costs them a lot in ridicule). Being black means we get to do things that white people can’t do, which is patently unfair. Despite the fact that White History Month is celebrated 11 months every year, Black History Month keeps racism alive. BET and TV One make wypipo upset because wypipo only have 1,295 white television networks. But the one thing that really upsets white people is the fact that they can’t use the n-word without being accused of being racist, while black people get to say it all the time. This double standard keeps racism alive because everyone knows that white people spend 22.94 percent of their time dreaming of a valid reason that would allow them to say “nigger” at the top of their lungs. Even when they’re with their sorority sisters or in a presidential Cabinet meeting, they are persecuted whenever they say something that disparages black people, and it is patently unfair. Not only does this inequality keep racism alive, but more important ... It really chaps their hides.
Our illustrious Attorney General Eric Holder once said that we’re a
“nation of cowards” when it comes to talking about race. Is he full of
crap or what?
Anyone who reads a newspaper, watches television, or scans the
Internet for news of the day can’t escape discussions about race –
that’s one of the things most prevalent in the news today. True, the
current discussion was triggered by the shooting in Ferguson, but each
time another incident with a racial component occurs; it causes the same
kind of “discussion” over and over.
What the Attorney General is really saying is that blacks aren’t
really equal enough yet, and the fault lies with Caucasians who are
(still) treating blacks unfairly. He wants to talk about what whites can
do to implement more flavors of affirmative action and to help blacks
overcome conditions of their own making.
In no other aspect of life are events that ended 150 years ago used
to coerce a majority to compensate a minority for the actions of long
dead individuals. But they haven’t forgotten – references to “slaves”
and the “plantation” can be seen in signs carried by black protestors
even today. Some black “leaders” like Holder, Sharpton, and Jackson,
refuse to let slavery die. They still maintain that, if not for slavery,
blacks would be equal (or superior) to whites.
But, we are not equal.
Blacks are a minority and that means that we aren’t equal in numbers. Whites make up 77.7% of the population (U.S. Census est. 2013),
blacks account for 13.2%. That number alone verifies that we aren’t
equal; there are almost six times as many whites as blacks.
We don’t look alike; our skin color is different, our hair is
different, our facial components are different – from birth, we are
Blacks complain that they aren’t treated equally, but over the past couple of decades blacks have intentionally distanced themselves from the white majority. That is, they are actively and intentionally contributing to becoming less equal, for example:
- Blacks have made it a point to name their children differently, with uniquely black-centric names.
- Many (especially young blacks) dress differently: wear pants around their knees, dreadlocks, cornrows, extremely long nails.
- They talk differently, intentionally, and chastise any black who “talks white.”
- They created rap “music.” Most of it is vulgar, violent, demeaning to women, and celebrates a gangster lifestyle – yet they embrace it as a uniquely black art form.
- They show disdain for traditional marriage and family. Seventy-two percent (72%) of black babies are born to unwed mothers (NBC News), Children of unmarried mothers of any race are more likely to perform poorly in school, go to prison, use drugs, and be on welfare. When will black fathers begin to take responsibility for their offspring?
- They vote as a bloc and refuse to admit any faults in a black office holder. Even now in July of 2014 (Quinnipiac poll), Obama still has the approval of 83% of blacks.
- They denigrate any black who doesn’t follow the prescribed black paradigm and demean them as “Uncle Toms,” “Oreos,” and other derogatory terms for “acting white.”
- They refuse to allow our justice system to follow its course and instead impose a guilty sentence on a white target – long before all of the evidence is public knowledge.
- They seemingly celebrate belligerence – displaying an “attitude” of intimidation and threat of violence when confronted.
Blacks have every right to do those things, they’re free to
act, talk, dress differently – it is their right, but it is also the
right of white folks to resent that blacks intentionally work at being different. There is a price to pay for being different.
But why would whites (in general) continue to keep a distance from
blacks? One reason could be that blacks commit more criminal offenses,
especially considering that they’re only 13.2% of the population.
According to Crime in the United States 2012 (, whites were arrested for murder in 48.2% of the cases, while blacks accounted for 49.4% of the arrests. Hold on – they’re close to equal – but no, not when blacks only comprise only 13.2% of the population yet still commit more of the murders than whites.
We aren’t equal when the minority commits more murders than the majority.
And how about robberies? Blacks accounted for 54.9% of all robberies,
with whites arrested for 43.4%. Again, remember that only 13.2% of the
population is black.
Not equal there either.
Blacks may say that they are more apt to be arrested simply for
“being black.” Black men are six times as likely as white men to be in
federal and state prisons (Pew Research Center, 2013). That means that they were convicted, not just arrested for crimes that warranted prison time. They stood trial, a jury and judge heard evidence, and they were convicted – that means that they were guilty.
And no other population group has as robust a record of rioting and looting when things don’t go “their way.”
So no, we’re still not equal.
But, they say that they’re disproportionately profiled. The national
crime statistics prove that blacks commit crimes at a much higher rate
(considering their population) so a certain amount of profiling is
Does it make sense for law enforcement to be looking for an elderly
white woman when reports from the scene described the perpetrator as a
young black man? Of course not. Since more crimes are committed by black
men, it is only logical that they will be suspects more often. That
means that we’re not profiled at the same rate – nor should we. Again,
not equal.
Here’s a novel idea – if blacks don’t like being profiled, just
account for fewer crimes. When black men (especially young ones) stop
committing the majority of crimes in this country, the main reason for
their profiling will disappear.
And yet blacks conveniently ignore how much they owe to whites.
White people gave the slaves their freedom and white people paid for
their freedoms by dying (disproportionately) in war. There’s almost
never any mention that the American men who have died in war for the
freedoms we all enjoy were overwhelmingly white. Yet is there any appreciation shown?
Of course not. White men bought our freedom with their blood and it was decidedly not in equal numbers.
There’s never any appreciation shown to whites who foot the bill for
housing assistance, SNAP program food stamps, “free” cellphones, etc.
Since 41.7 percent of African Americans (Tax
will file a tax return with no liability (they’ll pay no federal income
taxes), the money funding welfare programs was first taken from
overwhelmingly white taxpayers. For SNAP programs (Pew Research), blacks get 31% of the funding, whites only 15%.
Not equal there either.
Blacks have embraced and embedded into their psyche the concept of
“us versus them,” where “them” are white people and they look at
everything in life through a prism colored by that concept.
It is unfortunate that few blacks condemn what has become an
increasingly confrontational attitude embraced by many black activists.
It serves no useful purpose except to widen the gap between the races.
Please explain to me how that contributes to us becoming more “equal.”
This is how these savages celebrate Juneteenth while engaging their nigger personality disorder:
Chicago Blacks Celebrate Juneteenth By Murdering Puerto Ricans
Chicago Blacks Celebrate Juneteenth By Murdering Puerto Rican In Humboldt Park Puerto Rican Couple Yanked From Their Car and Shot By Mob of Black Men in Chicago The shooting took place as people were leaving Chicago’s 43rd Annual Puerto Rican People’s Day Parade, which people from all over the country and Puerto Rico travel to the city to attend.
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