"Long before writing these books, he was known for opening the deep mysteries of Scripture and bringing forth messages of prophetic import".
Dear viewer: Before you decide to purchase any of Jonathan Cahn's products, be aware of the following red flags:
1) Mr. Cahn has been successful in persuading people around the world that he is a modern day O.T. prophet, while giving them a secret, hidden knowledge that others do not have which draws his followers in like flies feeding off honey. This encourages them to have an awe of his so called ANCIENT MYSTERIES which is largely influenced by MYSTICAL HERMENUETICS. Once people are duped Cahn has this anointing, then he can begin to claim or establish himself as a prophet of God. This works well for people who are too STUPID, but would rather hear from a self proclaimed prophet than to hear from God through studying His word. This self proclaimed prophet (Cahn) will keep his followers from discovering that he has appointed himself as America's so called prophet with the help of Sid Roth from It's Supernatural. By the way, Sid Roth has a long history of occasionally promoting charlatans on his show spanning approximately 40 years. This also includes Steven Strang who is Jonathan Cahn's Frontline publisher & CEO & Founder of Charisma Magazine. In August 2015 Steven Strang's Charisma Magazine published an article written by Troy Anderson claiming that Jonathan Cahn founded the church Beth Israel (page 58). That is a false narrative. Beth Israel Worship Center's founder was none other than the late MR. GARY SELMAN. The vision for Beth Israel began with Gary Selman, a Messianic Jewish businessman with a heart for sharing the Gospel to Jew and Gentile alike and Pastor Charlie Rizzo of the Church of the Nazarene who gave early support to the new work. It was later in 1988 that Gary asked Jonathan Cahn to become the spiritual leader of Beth Israel.
The majority of the stories you see on Charisma Magazine these days are defending the most indefensible or propping up the most absurd false teachers and prophets of our day like Jonathan Cahn, Heidi Baker, Bill Johnson, T.D. Jakes who denies the Trinity (Oneness Pentecostal) and countless others. This is vital. If Cahn's followers suspect that he started out as the only one who said he was self appointed as America's prophet, he will never get a flock following him and Cahn will miss out on all the fun and profit there is when fleecing his flocks.
2)Self proclaimed prophets establish themselves as prophets from God by making a few predictions. Mr. Cahn has a track record of making false predictions i.e. THE MYSTERY OF THE SHEMTAH which was to happen on Elul 29, 2015 AND CULMINATE IN A GLOBAL ECONOMIC COLLAPSE. AND THE FOUR BLOOD MOONS which according to Mr. Cahn's other side kick convicted felon Jim Bakker was to lead to the start of the Great Tribulation in Sept 2015. None of these predictions materialized! Cahn's predictions of the Mystery of the Shemitah was also based on a 3000 year Jewish calendar which Cahn claimed was infallible(see link refuting his claims( http://lamblion.com/articles/articles_jewishlife3.php]).
It does not matter if these bogus mysteries don’t come to pass because false prophets can always claim it was their lack of faith as to why it did not happen. The secret of being successful is always to shift the blame back to the people when the so called prophet is in a tight spot. Whatever they do, the so called prophet never accepts responsibility for the lack of failed prophesies as this will taint their image and hinder the pursuit of fleecing the flock for fun and profit. They must also keep their flock from any passages in the Bible that say that a prophet must have 100% accuracy such as Deuteronomy 18. It will be necessary for them to steer them clear from such passages and remind them that all people are fallible. If the so called prophet keeps the focus on the fallible people, their flocks will not notice that prophecies are supposed to come from God who is infallible.
3) If someone tells you they’ve discovered something in the Scriptures that no one else in 2 thousand years has discovered, they’re wrong and trying to sell you something – each and every last and lousy time. And you can BANK on it because it's all a GIMMICK and it's a big business/enterprise. And don't believe in the 5 star reviews this book is getting on Amazon.com. Amazon functions as an advertising agency and critical reviews like mine are placed at the bottom and out of sight so that customers will not be exposed to the truth with regards to these bogus mysteries. It's all a head game of false advertisement.
4) In case you are wondering how much Jonathan Cahn charges for his speaking engagements; it's between $10,0000-$20,000 for approximately one appearance! And this does not include his product sales. Here is the link below for the evidence:

5) Despite Mr. Cahn's claims of calling himself a Rabbi, he actually in the academic sense is not. Mr. Cahn has a bachelor's degree in History from Purchase University which is affiliated with SUNY in New York (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jonathan_Cahn). He never has claimed attending a Rabbinical College. He never has provided any documentation/degree from any Jewish Theological Seminary as proof that he has successfully completed the Academic Disciplines or requirements to be officially ordained as a Rabbi(SMICHA). Furthermore, he has never provided any evidence that he completed an internship under a licensed Rabbi before being officially ordained as one. The following is the basic academic requirements for becoming a Rabbi: You'll need lots and lots of schooling to become a rabbi. Typically, it takes five years to get a Master's degree in rabbinical studies. You need to be an expert in the Hebrew language, Jewish law, Jewish history, the Bible, the Talmud, liturgy, Jewish teaching methods, counseling, Jewish literature, ethics, Israel, Jewish philosophy, and pretty much all things Jewish. (https://www.shmoop.com/careers/rabbi/qualifications.
The following is an excerpt taken from David H. Stern's Jewish N.T. commentary and I quote:
Dear viewer: The next time you hear one of these religious charlatans on their tv talk show address Mr. Cahn as Rabbi, keep in mind it's all a GIMMICK & they are lying right before your face!
Dear Viewer: Jonathan Cahn claims that his books contain Ancient Mysteries never revealed by anyone until now and only through him( that also includes Jesus Christ and the Biblical authors). But is there such a thing as Ancient Mysteries endorsed in the Bible? Let's examine Jonathan Cahn's claims & terminology of Ancient Mysteries and put it through the acid test, and scripturally examine what the Bible actually has to say about God's mysteries, to see if there is a correlation between the two.
The Problem with Jonathan Cahn's claims:
Prophets Reveal Mysteries
The apostle
Paul claims that he was chosen by God to reveal mysteries as were the
other apostles. The gospel itself was the mystery of which he spoke. We
see this in Ephesians 3:
"that by revelation there was made known
to me the mystery, as I wrote before in brief. By referring to this,
when you read you can understand my insight into the mystery of Christ,
which in other generations was not made known to the sons of men, as it
has now been revealed to His holy apostles and prophets in the Spirit;
to be specific, that the Gentiles are fellow heirs and fellow members of
the body, and fellow partakers of the promise in Christ Jesus through
the gospel" (Ephesians 3:3-6)
A mystery is something that would
not be known had God not chosen to reveal it through His appointed
spokes persons. These are Moses and the prophets in the Old Testament,
and Christ and His appointed apostles and prophets in the New Testament.
The writings of the Biblical prophets in Scripture are inerrant and
infallible. In the Scriptures God has revealed all the mysteries that
will be known to us until Christ returns.
However, Jonathan Cahn,
who is not one of the Biblical prophets, claims to reveal mysteries: using his previous claims from his previous book and I quote: “The Harbinger Book 1 are not only revealing mysteries but also the
sounding of the alarms.”Cahn’s claim to be a revealer of mysteries is
strong and severely problematic: “Much that will be revealed in these
books has never before been revealed in written form” (Cahn: 2). This is
a rather bold claim that rivals and echoes the apostle Paul’s cited
above. He claims to have special revelation like the biblical authors.
The problem is that Cahn did not see the resurrected Christ and was not
appointed by Him like Paul and the other apostles. Cahn has no standing
as an apostle or prophet and his writings are not binding as Scripture
Referencing again his previous book Cahn repeats his grand claim:
“The Harbinger book 1 contains 14 major revelations or mysteries” (Cahn:
4). Unlike Paul and the other apostles, Cahn was not personally taught
by Christ, but he still claims prophetic status based on subjective,
inner voices: and I quote: “I heard an inner voice say, ‘There’s a mystery here. You
must seek and find it” (Cahn: 9). Religious leaders claiming special
revelations and special status are nothing new. Hundreds of false groups
have started out that way. We need to decide CAREFULLY whether to believe
anyone who claims special revelation above and beyond Scripture.
Jonathan Cahn in his new book claims that he has unlocked so called "ANCIENT MYSTERIES" from the Bible relating to some historical recent events in America. I don't intend to refute all of them due to limited space. However, I am going to touch on only one. He claims that the Jewish Jubilee of the O.T. has a direct correlation between ABORTION IN AMERICA , CHIEF JUSTICE AMY CONEY BARRET'S VOTE OVERTURNING ABORTION, THE COVID19 PANDEMIC OF 2020 AND FIDEL CASTRO'S CUBA AS A SIGN OF JUDGEMENT FROM GOD.
Here are the facts:
(shenath ha-yobhel; etos tes apheseos; annus jubilaeus, "year of jubilee" (Leviticus 25:13), or simply ha-yobhel, "the jubilee" (Leviticus 25:28; compare Numbers 36:4), the King James Version and the English Revised Version Jubile):
The Hebrew word yobhel stands for qeren ha-yobhel, meaning the horn of a ram. Now, such a horn can be made into a trumpet, and thus the word yobhel came to be used as a synonym of trumpet. According to Leviticus 25:9 a loud trumpet should proclaim liberty throughout the country on the 10th day of the 7th month (the Day of Atonement), after the lapse of 7 sabbaths of years = 49 years. In this manner, every 50th year was to be announced as a jubilee year. All real property should automatically revert to its original owner (Leviticus 25:10; compare 25:13), and those who, compelled by poverty, had sold themselves as slaves to their brothers, should regain their liberty (Leviticus 25:10; compare 25:39).
In addition to this, the Jubilee Year was to be observed after the manner of the sabbatic year, i.e. there should be neither sowing nor reaping nor pruning of vines, and everybody was expected to live on what the fields and the vineyards produced "of themselves," and no attempt should be made at storing up the products of the land (Leviticus 25:11). Thus there are three distinct factors constituting the essential features of the Jubilee Year:
personal liberty, restitution of property, and what we might call the simple life.
1. Personal Liberty:
The 50th year was to be a time in which liberty should be proclaimed to all the inhabitants of the country. We should, indeed, diminish the import of this institution if we should apply it only to those who were to be freed from the bonds of physical servitude. Undoubtedly, they must have been the foremost in realizing its beneficial effects. But the law was intended to benefit all, the masters as well as the servants. They should never lose sight of their being brothers and citizens of theocratic kingdom. They owed their life to God and were subject to His sovereign will. Only through loyalty to Him were they free and could ever hope to be free and independent of all other masters.
2. Restitution of Property:
The institution of the Jubilee Year should become the means of fixing the price of real property (Leviticus 25:15; compare 25:25-28); moreover, it should exclude the possibility of selling any piece of land permanently (Leviticus 25:23), the next verse furnishing the motive:
"The land is mine: for ye are strangers and sojourners with me." The same rule was to be applied to dwelling-houses outside of the walled cities (Leviticus 25:31), and also to the houses owned by Levites, although they were built within walled cities (Leviticus 25:32).
In the same manner the price of Hebrew slaves was to vary according to the proximity of the Jubilee Year (Leviticus 25:47-54). This passage deals with the enslaving of a Hebrew by a foreigner living among the Jews; it goes without saying that the same rule would hold good in the case of a Hebrew selling himself to one of his own people.
In Leviticus 27:17-25 we find a similar arrangement respecting such lands that were "sanctified unto Yahweh." In all these cases the original owner was at liberty to redeem his property at any time, or have it redeemed by some of his nearest relatives (25:25-27,29,48; 27:19).
The crowning feature, though, was the full restitution of all real property in the Jubilee Year. The primary object of this regulation was, of course, the reversion of all hereditary property to the family which originally possessed it, and the reestablishment of the original arrangement regarding the division of the land. But that was not all; for this legal disposition and regulation of external matters was closely connected with the high calling of the Jewish people. It was a part of the Divine plan looking forward to the salvation of mankind. "The deepest meaning of it (the Jubilee Year) is to be found in the apokatastasis tes basileias tou theou, i.e. in the restoring of all that which in the course of time was perverted by man's sin, in the removing of all slavery of sin, in the establishing of the true liberty of the children of God, and in the delivering of the creation from the bondage of corruption to which it was subjected on account of man's depravity" (Romans 8:19) (compare Keil, Manual of Biblical Archaeology). In the Year of Jubilee a great future era of Yahweh's favor is foreshadowed, that period which, according to Isaiah 61:1-3, shall be ushered in to all those that labor and are heavy laden, by Him who was anointed by the spirit of the Lord Yahweh.
3. The Simple Life:
The Jubilee Year, being the crowning point of all sabbatical institutions, gave the finishing touch as it were to the whole cycle of sabbatic days, months and years. It is, therefore, quite appropriate that it should be a year of rest for the land like the preceding sabbatic year (Leviticus 25:11). It follows, of course, that in this instance there were two years, one after the other, in which there should be no sowing or systematic ingathering. This seems to be clear from Leviticus 25:18-22:
"And ye shall sow the eighth year, and eat of the fruits, the old store; until the ninth year, until its fruits come in, ye shall eat the old store." Thus in the 7th and 8th years the people were to live on what the fields had produced in the 6th year and whatever grew spontaneously. This shows the reason why we may say that one of the factors constituting the Jubilee Year was the "simple life." They could not help but live simply for two consecutive years. Nobody can deny that this afforded ample opportunity to develop the habit of living within very limited means. And again we see that this external part of the matter did not fully come up to the intention of the Lawgiver. It was not the simple life as such that He had in view, but rather the laying down of its moral and religious foundations. In this connection we must again refer to Leviticus 25:18-22, "What shall we eat the seventh year?" The answer is very simple and yet of surpassing grandeur: "Then I will command my blessing upon you," etc. Nothing was expected of the people but faith in Yahweh and confidence in His power, which was not to be shaken by any doubtful reflection. And right here we have found the root of the simple life: no life without the true God, and no simplicity of life without true faith in Him. "Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God" (Matthew 4:4; compare Deuteronomy 8:3).
We may well ask:
Did the Jewish people ever observe the Jubilee Year? There is no reason why they should not have observed it in pre-exilic times (compare Lotz in The New Schaff-Herzog Encyclopedia of Religious Knowledge, X, under the word "Sabbatical Year" and "Year of Jubilee"). Perhaps they signally failed in it, and if so, we should not be surprised at all. Not that the institution in itself was cumbered with any obstacles that could not have been overcome; but what is more common than unbelief and unwillingness to trust absolutely in Yahweh? Or, was it observed in post-exilic times? Here, too, we are in the dark. There is, indeed, a tradition according to which the Jubilee Year has never been observed--neither in the time of Ezra and Nehemiah nor at any later period. The truth of this seems to be corroborated by the silence of Josephus, who, while referring quite frequently to the sabbatic year, never once mentions the Year of Jubilee.
William Baur.
In summary, the answer to this question is that the Jubilee year is currently not observed or commemorated. The reasons for this are complex and involve many different opinions on the matter. In the following lines I will attempt to briefly relay the relevant issues.
According to biblical law, the Jubilee is only observed when all twelve tribes of the Jewish nation are living in Israel, as is derived from the verse,1 “And you shall sanctify the fiftieth year, and proclaim freedom throughout the land for all who live on it,” which implies that the Jubilee is only sanctified when “all who live on it”—meaning, all who are meant to be living there—are in the Land of Israel.
Furthermore, the Jubilee is only observed when every tribe is living in the specific part of the land which it was allotted when the Land of Israel was divided. However, some are of the opinion that the Jubilee is observed as long as there is a partial representation of each tribe, even if most of the tribe is not in Israel.
In the 6th century BCE, the Assyrians conquered the Northern Kingdom of Israel and sent the majority of its population into exile. Those who were deported are historically known as the Ten Lost Tribes. We are certain that before that point in time the Jubilee was regularly observed. We also know that, with the destruction of the Second Temple and the disbandment of the Sanhedrin (supreme rabbinical court), we ceased to mark the Jubilee year in any form.
The periods about which there is a question are the remaining years between the exile of the Ten Tribes and the destruction of the First Temple, and the Second Temple Era. According to the opinion that partial representation of each tribe is sufficient to fulfill the scriptural requirement, biblically mandated Jubilees were fully observed throughout the periods in question, because there remained a small representation of each tribe in Israel.
However, according to the first opinion mentioned above, with the exile of the Northern Kingdom the required condition for the Jubilee to be sanctified was lost. Thus, the last time there was a biblical requirement to observe the Jubilee was about 150 years before the destruction of the First Temple.
The question remains, however, whether according to this opinion Jubilee years were designated or observed during this time by rabbinic injunction. This is the subject of debate amongst the sages.
As mentioned above, though, today the Jubilee year is neither designated nor observed. And now for the answer to this question: “When is the next Jubilee year?” The Jews today eagerly await the day when God will bring their entire nation back to their homeland—including the ten “lost” tribes—and at that time they will again resume observing the Jubilee year, as well as so many other mitzvot which they are incapable of performing until that awaited day.
Definition of Ancient Mysteries
Secret rituals of pagan religions, known only to select initiates who had qualified for higher spiritual development. Such mysteries were kept apart from popular worship, and initiates had to take a binding oath of secrecy, so that even today our knowledge of the mysteries is partly conjectural. Typical mystery cults were those of Eleusis in Greece from about 1500 B.C.E., in turn deriving from the mystery religions of ancient Egypt and the mysteries of Mithras, a Persian deity. Traces of Mithraism existed in Britain. Many secret societies in modern times have claimed that their rituals are a descent of an ancient tradition.
I did an exhaustive search to see if this term ANCIENT MYSTERY is found in the bible. Nowhere is this term found either in the Old or New Testaments. But the Word of God uses the term Pagan/Paganism . It's a synonymous term for what is known today as Ancient Mystery.
However I did find a list of Ancient Mystery Religions in the book "ESSENTIALS OF BIBLE HISTORY" pages 564-567 as follows:
Need more evidence? At your earliest convenience watch the following 30 minute documentary video below:
"Ancient Mystery Cults: The Real History of Secret Societies"
Scripture frequently describes God as one who knows all things, even that which the human mind could never know or finds incomprehensible. Thus he sees the secret intentions of human hearts ( Psalms 139:1-4 Psalms 139:23 ; Matt 6:4-6 ; Rom 2:16 ; 1 Cor 4:5 ; 14:25 ; Heb 4:13 ), comprehends the seemingly unfathomable mysteries of the universe ( Job 38:1-39:30 ), and, most important, understands the meaning of human history.
God understands human history because the events that comprise it correspond with his own intentions: he wills all that happens, and does so to accomplish his own purpose ( Dan 2:37 ; 5:21 ; Rom 11:25-36 ). People, on the other hand, both because of their sin and because of their human limitations, remain ignorant of God's purpose when left to their own reckoning ( Daniel 2:27 Daniel 2:30 ; Mark 4:10-12 ; Luke 19:41-44 ). God graciously responds to this human inadequacy by revealing his purpose to his people. When God's purpose is revealed in this way, the Bible frequently refers to it as a "mystery."
The content of the divine mystery is painted in broad strokes in the Old Testament, takes on greater detail in the Gospels, and receives its finishing touches in Paul's letters. In Daniel, where the term first appears (raz in Aramaic, always translated with mysterion [musthvrion] in the LXX), it refers to God's understanding of the symbols in Nebuchadnezzar's dream, symbols that stand for the rise and fall of human empires and to the eventual establishment of God's own, eternal kingdom ( 2:44 ; cf. Rev 1:20 ; Revelation 17:5 Revelation 17:7 ). The details of these events, however, and the nature of God's kingdom, once established, remain sketchy in Daniel. The mystery of God's purposes gains greater specificity in the Gospels, where Jesus, particularly in his parables, reveals the "mystery of the kingdom of God" ( Mark 4:11 ; cf. Matt 13:11 ; Luke 8:10 ). Paul also identifies the divine mystery with the revelation of God in Christ ( Col 2:2 ; 4:3 ) but gives the concept even greater clarity in three ways.
First, he equates the divine mystery with the gospel of Christ's atoning death on the cross ( 1 Cor 2:1 ); second, he describes it as God's plan, through Christ's atoning death ( Eph 2:13-16 ), to include the Gentiles among his chosen people; and third, he defines it as the reconciliation of all things to God ( Eph 1:9-10 ). Thus, Daniel described the divine mystery in general terms as the eventual establishment of God's eternal kingdom; Jesus defined it more specifically as his proclamation of God's kingdom; and Paul described it more specifically still as the constitution of a new people, from among both Jews and Gentiles, through the atoning death of Christ on the cross.
This understanding of divine mystery illustrates three aspects of God's character. First, it emphasizes God's omniscience. After God revealed the "mystery" of the interpretation of Nebuchadnezzar's dream to Daniel, Daniel thanked God in prayer for his wisdom and power ( 2:23 ; cf. 2:20 ) and described him as a God who "knows what lies in darkness" ( 2:22 ). Paul, similarly, after revealing the mystery of God's plan to include the Gentiles among his chosen people breaks into praise of the "depth of the riches of the wisdom and knowledge of God" ( Rom 11:33 ).
Second, the biblical concept of divine mystery emphasizes God's sovereignty. The mystery revealed to Daniel and communicated to the king demonstrates not only that God knows the beginning of history from its end but that the rise and fall of human empires and the establishment of God's own kingdom happen according to his decree ( 2:36 ). Similarly, Paul says that the mystery of God's intention to unite both Jews and Gentiles in the body of Christ has been in place from ages past ( Eph 3:9-11 ; Col 1:26-27 ; cf. Eph 1:9-10 ; 3:5 ).
Third, and most important, the biblical understanding of divine mystery emphasizes God's grace. This can be seen immediately in the stark contrast between the biblical use of the term "mystery" and its use as a technical term in ancient Hellenistic mystery religions. In these cults the term was used to signify the esoteric knowledge that initiates were instructed, with threats of severe punishment, not to reveal to the uninitiated. The Bible, however, emphasizes God's gracious willingness to reveal the mystery of his purposes to his servants the prophets and through them to other people ( Rev 10:7 ; cf. Amos 3:7 ). The biblical emphasis is well illustrated in Daniel. There God graciously reveals his mysteries to Daniel to save him from the king's cruel sentence of death upon the royal wise men for their inability to interpret the king's dream ( 2:16-19 ). Because Daniel recognizes the graciousness of God's response, he is quick to acknowledge before the king that the dream's interpretation has come from God, not from Daniel's abilities as a counselor ( Daniel 2:27 Daniel 2:30 ). Similarly, Jesus graciously explains the parable of the sower to his disciples with the comment that, although the parables baffle those on the outside, the mystery of the kingdom of God has been given to them ( Matt 11:25-26 ).
In Paul's letters this aspect of the mystery of God comes to a climax. Paul points his readers again and again to the unique position they occupy as those who have experienced the fulfillment of the mystery of God's purposes. Although predicted in the Scriptures, the mystery was kept silent for long ages ( Rom 16:25-26 ), hidden for generations past ( Col 1:26 ; cf. Ephesians 3:5 Ephesians 3:9 Ephesians 3:11 ) that it might be revealed to apostles and prophets such as Paul himself and through them to believers ( Eph 3:1-12 ; cf. 1 Peter 1:10-12 ). Paul describes his calling to reveal the mystery of God to the Gentiles as "the grace of God given to me for you" ( Eph 3:2 ), and a few verses later, in a magnificent piling up of the language of grace, he identifies it as "the gift of the grace which God gave to me according to his effective power" (v. 7).
The biblical idea of mystery, then, reminds Christians that God holds the course of human events in his hands and has so shaped them that they work for the salvation of his people. It also demonstrates the graciousness of God in revealing his redemptive purposes to prophets and apostles and, through them, to all who are willing to hear.
According to the Sacred Text, the usage of MYSTERY is not a puzzle or a secret knowledge or wisdom that leaves a person in ignorance, but a truth that God reveals to man. It usually refers to something that man would not normally know, but that God in his grace makes known to him cf: Ephesians 3:4-5, Col 1:26, Rev 17:17.
They are secret counsels which govern God in dealing with the righteous, which are hidden from ungodly and wicked men but plain to the godly.
This interpretive method is one that views the Hebrew Scriptures as having shades of meaning in addition to a strict grammatical interpretation. Jewish interpreters frequently see the inspired text of the Hebrew Scriptures as having deeper meanings intended by God that may not have been known or realized by the human authors of the Bible.
A mystical hermenuetic method is often identified as EISEGESIS. It is a fundamental Jewsish method that has made it's way into all kinds of Rabbinical writings including the ZOHAR/KABBALAH.
Another variant of Mystical hermenuetics is Midrashic interpretation, since it is also characterized by finding deeper biblical meanings in the Bible unknown to the original biblical authors. New Age Rabbinical Sages manufactured fantasy tales embroidered around biblical narratives, patriarchs, and events and used them in their attempt to discern the hidden meaning of scripture.
Research: Cahn Jonathan
CRN articles about Cahn Jonathan
- Blood Moons: Prophets Who Persist in Prophesying Falsely
- ‘The Return’ – Jonathan Cahn’s Upcoming Prayer Event Produced By Wolves In Sheep’s Clothing
- ‘The Return’ – To WHAT? A Bait & Switch Revival?
- Meet the “Harbinger Man”?
- Shemitah is over – But nothing happened
- The Book of Mysteries: Hidden Keys or Hype?
- Jonathan Cahn Sends Lamest Cease and Desist Letter EVER; Contends He Never Gave False Prophecy
- Michael Brown Again Promotes Fake Rabbi and False Prophet, Jonathan Cahn
- Jonathan Cahn Partners With Arch Heretic Kenneth Copeland
- Four Blood Moons and Shemitah Bring Judgment…Upon Charismatics
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