Sunday, July 14, 2024

In March 2024 God revealed to Prophets Chris Reed and Brandon Biggs a plot to assassinate former President Donald Trump




How far was the suspected gunman from Donald Trump?

a map showing the distance suspected gunman thomas matthew crooks shot at Trump from

One witness told the BBC that he had seen a man – believed to be Crooks - with a rifle on the roof of a building before Trump was shot.

Video footage obtained by TMZ shows the moment the shooting began.

The assailant opened fire with “an AR-style rifle”, CBS News reports.

Law enforcement sources also told CBS that he was reported by a bystander and identified as a suspicious person by police, but that officers lost track of him before the shooting began.

However, the FBI says it did not immediately know what type of firearm was used or how many shots were fired.

A Secret Service sniper returned fire and killed the gunman, the agency said.

Footage later shows armed officers approaching a body on the roof of the building.


DANIEL 2: 20-21

20Daniel said,

“Let the name of God be blessed forever and ever,

For wisdom and power belong to Him.

21It is He who changes the times and the epochs;

He removes kings and establishes kings;


Dear viewer: On Jan 23rd, 2024 Mr. Brandon Biggs posted a video on his You Tube channel offering an apology to his audience. He admitted that there were some so called prophetic words which were misleading and he took full responsibility for his words and actions for any harm it caused to his viewers. Unfortunately Mr. Biggs has removed that video from public view and changed it's status to PRIVATE. There has been a lot of critique concerning the prophecy given by Mr. Biggs exposing him as a false prophet. For the most part, these critics have offered opinions from the perspective of a CESSASIONIST point of view as in the case of this video. Many of these critiques fail to arrive at the heart of the matter which I will address below by making 3 points as follows: Why some people like Brandon Biggs err with the gift of prophesy: 1) Warning: We know in part, and we prophesy in part. Scripture says that we know in part and we prophesy in part (I Corinthians 13:9). It is imperative not only to realize that we can be wrong, but that we are seldom completely right. None of us ever really sees the whole picture, but only in part. If we possess this humility of heart and mind, we can avoid many unnecessary errors and mistakes. Remember that regardless of how accurate we may be in our revelation and interpretation, we are only seeing part of the picture. We must realize that there is also more wisdom and insight for a situation than what we are seeing. Be open to receiving additional insight from others and from the Lord. Some of the most gifted prophetic ministers I know often misinterpret the revelation they receive. God allows this for several reasons: 1) to keep those who are profoundly gifted humble and teachable, 2) to keep us dependent on Him, and 3) to keep us from wrongly elevating prophetically gifted people to a place of infallibility. 2) Warning: Don’t prophesy beyond your faith. Many people have such a passion to function in the higher levels of a word of knowledge that it causes undue trouble. After seeing someone prophesy names, birthdays, and intimate details about a person’s life, some novices attempt to prophesy beyond their levels of faith. 3) Warning: Some prophesiers deviate from the original message given to them by God by interjecting their own personal interpretations with OPINIONS. This eventually leads to PROPHETIC SPECULATION and it totally muddles the original prophetic word. I STRONGLY advise these folks to STOP THIS PRACTICE IMMEDIATELY. It does more harm than good to the Body of Christ. In many cases, much of what would be considered false prophecy is accurate. Or to put it another way misinterpreted revelation. Like Mr. Biggs above, he saw a clear picture from God concerning Mr. Trump's attempted assassination, but proceeded to misinterpret it by giving his non-professional medical opinion among other things which he stated. Two Biblical examples: 1) In Acts 21:10-12 we read an interesting case of a true prophetic revelation being misinterpreted and to some degree also misapplied by some as well. Agabus prophesied that the Jews in Jerusalem would bind Paul hand and foot and deliver him to the Gentiles. However, what actually happened was that the Jews took Paul and were about to kill him when the gentiles came and delivered Paul from the Jews. IT WAS THE GENTILES THAT BOUND HIM NOT THE JEWS. Even though Agabus got some of the details wrong, this was still a profound prophetic revelation given by Agabus. 2)1Samuel Chapter 16: 1-12. In this passage of scripture the Prophet Samuel misinterpreted the prophetic word that God gave him concerning who would be anointed to be King of Israel from the sons of Jesse. It took the Prophet Samuel 7 attempts to rightly identify who would be the next king of Israel(DAVID). Using these 2 biblical examples, does this prove that AGABUS and Samuel were false prophets because they misinterpreted the prophetic words that God spoke to them? ABSOLUTELY NOT! WE ARE ALL FINITE HUMAN BEINGS TRYING TO UNDERSTAND/COMMUNICATE WITH A TRANSCENDENT DIVINE BEING (cf Isaiah 55:8-9). When you try to explain or understand God and his ways intellectually through the lens of CESSASIONIST THEOLOGY, it does more harm than good because it just muddles the issue. Finally, I am not trying to justify Mr. Brandon Biggs misinterpretations because to do so I would be placing him on a pedestal of infallibility.

Above excerpts were taken from the book " YOU MAY ALL PROPHESY " author Steve Thompson pages 72-73 & 122 & 124.
In conclusion here's the video which was changed from public viewing to private status by Brandon Biggs's You tube channel. It's very unfortunate that he took it down because he was very humble and honest about his mistakes to his viewers.

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