Monday, March 13, 2017



EVANGELICAL APOSTASY - John Macarthur's Heretical Connections Exposed

Published on Dec 11, 2016

John Macarthur is widely respected in the evangelical community, but I am now exposing his heretical endorsements. In addition to making over a MILLION dollars per year,John Macarthur and others around him (Todd Friel, Justin Peters, Phil Johnson, Mark Dever, etc.) have remained silent as some of their close friends embrace false teachers. Apostasy is on the move in America and it seems that nobody is immune. There are very few degrees of separation between John Macarthur and the Roman Catholic Church. Some of Macarthur's closest friends support overt heretics, and it's time that he is exposed for his fraudulent and hypocritical double standard.

John MacArthur Exposed (Calvinism & Arminianism Lies)



".....having a form of godliness but denying its power. Have nothing to do with such people".
In his latest book, Strange Fire, John MacArthur viciously labels
the Pentecostal/charismatic movement as “a false church as dangerous as any cult or heresy that has ever assaulted Christianity.”
As I have read and reread his polemic, one thing that becomes clear is that MacArthur’s entire theological outlook is guided and determined by his commitment to the Calvinistic doctrine of cessationism, the belief that the miraculous gifts of the Holy Spirit were withdrawn from the church after the death of the original apostles of Christ. This, however, is a false doctrine that cannot be substantiated by either Scripture or church history.
Those who succeeded the original apostles as leaders in the churches make no mention of a cessation theory. On the other hand, they give clear testimony of miraculous gifts and healings occurring in their day. I have documented this in my book 2000 Years of Charismatic Christianity, published by Charisma House. Consider the following quotes from church fathers recognized by both Protestants and Catholics as the legitimate successors of the original apostles:
  • Justin Martyr (100-165): “For the prophetical gifts remain with us even to the present time. Now it is possible to see among us women and men who possess gifts of the Spirit of God.”
  • Irenaeus (125-200): “In like manner we do also hear many brethren in the church who possess prophetic gifts and through the Spirit speak all kinds of languages. ... Yes, moreover, as I have said, the dead even have been raised up, and remained among us for many years.” 
  • Tertullian (150-240): “For seeing that we too acknowledge the spiritual charismata, or gifts, we too have merited the attainment of the prophetic gift ... and heaven knows how many distinguished men, to say nothing of the common people, have been cured either of devils or of their sicknesses.”
  • Novation (210-280): “This is he [the Holy Spirit] who places prophets in the church, instructs teachers, directs tongues, gives powers and healings, does wonderful works ... and arranges whatever gifts there are of the charismata; and thus making the Lord’s church everywhere, and in all, perfected and completed."
  • Origen (185-284): “Some give evidence of their having received through this faith a marvelous power by the cures which they perform, invoking no other name over those who need their help than that of the God of all things, along with Jesus and a mention of his history.”
  • Augustine (354-430): In his work The City of God, Augustine tells of healings and miracles that he has observed firsthand and then says, “I am so pressed by the promise of finishing this work that I cannot record all the miracles I know.”
These testimonies clearly demonstrate that spiritual gifts continued to be common in the church from the Day of Pentecost and up to the beginning of the fourth century. The Episcopal scholar Morton Kelsey was correct when he said, “These men were well aware of Paul’s list of the gifts of the Spirit and what it included. In no place do they suggest that any of them had dropped away.”
In an appendix entitled “Voices From Church History,” MacArthur seeks to substantiate his doctrine of cessation from church history. Interestingly, the earliest quote he presents is from John Chrysostom (344-407), who refers to his ignorance of spiritual gifts and their cessation. The reason MacArthur begins with Chrysostom is that there is no evidence of a cessation theory prior to this time.
MacArthur next quotes Augustine’s statement that the tongues at Pentecost were a sign “adapted to the times” and had passed away. But what he fails to mention is that Augustine’s views on this matter changed with time and that he later fully embraced the continued work of the Holy Spirit and His gifts in the church (see the above quote). Nonetheless, Augustine’s earlier comments were taken up by those not experiencing spiritual gifts and used to justify their experience, or lack thereof.
While some articulated a theory of cessation to explain the lack of miracles and spiritual gifts in their midst, others throughout history have acknowledged that the problem has been a lack of faith and holiness within the church. This was the view of A.J. Gordon, 18th-century Baptist pastor and founder of Gordon College in Boston, who wrote, "It is not altogether strange that when the church forgot her citizenship in heaven and began to establish herself in luxury and splendor on earth, she should cease to exhibit the supernatural gifts of heaven."
John Wesley, the unflappable Oxford scholar, revivalist and founder of Methodism, showed his disdain for the doctrine of cessation when he wrote, “I do not recollect any Scripture wherein we are taught that miracles were to be confined within the limits of the apostolic age or the Cyprian age, or of any period of time, longer or shorter, even till the restitution of all things.” After reading a book that defended the continuance of spiritual gifts in the church, Wesley wrote the following statement in the Journal of John Wesley:
"I was fully convinced of what I had once suspected ... that the grand reason why the miraculous gifts were so soon withdrawn was not only that faith and holiness were well nigh lost, but that dry, formal orthodox men began even then to ridicule whatever gifts they had not themselves, and to decry them all as either madness or imposture."
Beginning with the dawn of the 20th century, the church has seen an explosion of the miraculous gifts of the Holy Spirit around the world. Churches old and new are embracing this dynamic work of the Spirit in their midst, and this very diverse movement now numbers over 600 million worldwide and is growing at the rate of 9 million per year. This Pentecostal/charismatic movement that MacArthur so detests is actually a fulfillment of biblical prophecy for Peter, who, in explaining the tongues on the Day of Pentecost, declared:
"And it shall come to pass in the last days, says God, that I will pour out of My Spirit on all flesh; your sons and daughters shall prophesy, your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams. And on My menservants and on My maidservants I will pour out My Spirit in those days; and they shall prophesy" (Acts 2:17-18).
I pray that God will enable John MacArthur to see what is obvious to so many: that the Pentecostal/charismatic movement, though having many human imperfections, is a genuine work of the Holy Spirit, empowering the people of God everywhere to be witnesses of Jesus Christ and His salvation in these last days.
Eddie L. Hyatt is a seasoned minister of the gospel, having served as a pastor, teacher, missionary and professor of theology in the U.S. and Canada and having ministered in India, Indonesia, England, Ireland, Sweden, Poland and Bulgaria. His ministry is characterized by a unique blend of the anointing of the Holy Spirit with academic excellence and over 40 years of ministerial experience. Visit him online
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Saturday, March 11, 2017

The New Apostolic Reformation Parts 1 & 2

Testing The Spirits by Sandy Simpson


Image result for New Apostolic Reformation Leaders


Image result for New Apostolic Reformation Leaders

Apprising Ministries warns you that because of the spread of corrupt Contemplative Spirituality/Mysticism within the mainstream of the visible church you’ll continue to see increasing syncretism and “unity” with people and.or groups you’d never have believed could happen.
For example, who would have thought New Apostolic Reformation spiritual wingnuts and self-proclaimed apostles and apostlettes like C. Peter Wagner and Cindy Jacobs would ever have a voice within the heart of the Christian community; but we’re beginning to see it.
So I’m pleased to point you to the following interview with Sandy Simpson concerning the whacked works of the NAR. Sandy was one of the very first people to carry my writings when I first came into the field of online apologetics and discernment some six years ago.
Over at Echo Zoe we read:
For such men are false apostles, deceitful workers, disguising themselves as apostles of Christ.2 Corinthians 11:13
Sandy Simpson, of the Apologetics Coordination Team, joins me to discuss the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR). Sandy runs Deception in the Church, an extensive library of resources on the NAR and related movements and organizations.
I would appreciate feedback, along with questions about this subject. Sandy has graciously agreed to the possibility of a follow-up interview, possibly late in 2012, and I would love to have listener questions to use in such an interview…
An Outline of the Discussion
  • Sandy begins by describing his initial encounter with the New Apostolic Reformation while working as a missionary in Guam, which led him to investigate their movement.
  • The NAR teaches that there are foundational Apostles today that are equal to, if not greater than, the original twelve Apostles of the first century.
  • They teach that there is a transferrable impartation. The Holy Spirit can be imparted upon individuals by NAR “apostles”.
  • Sandy sees links between NAR, Emergent, and “Church Growth”; all coming out of Fuller Theological Seminary.
  • NAR puts together large-scale prayer meetings to lure in orthodox Christians to their methods and teachings.
  • NAR and Word-of-Faith come from the same roots, and have many similarities.
  • NAR seeks to take over the government, and Sandy asks what the difference is between “Christian Fascism” and “Islamic Fascism”?
  • Sandy asserts that NAR denies some of the fundamental, core doctrines of Christianity. This places them within the definition of a cult movement. Core doctrines that they deny include: the Trinity; the divinity and personhood of Christ (hypostatic union); salvation by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone; the supremacy of Scripture in all matters of faith and practice; the fact that Christ is going to return bodily to judge and rule the Earth (dominionism requires us to conquer the Earth before He returns).
  • We discuss the prophetic element of NAR. The movement rarely references scripture, favoring instead “new revelation”. When they give prophesy over someone, they often just puff up the person they are supposedly prophesying over.
  • “Slain in the Spirit” is a practice that is common in the NAR. It was picked up by William Branham on a trip to India, and is just a repackaged version of the Hindu practice of shakti-pat.
  • Sandy explains the practice of diaprax, which is in use by various groups and forces hostile to Christianity. It pits a thesis against an anti-thesis. The two battle, eventually merging into a synthesis.
  • Scandals and immoral behavior often follow false teachers.
  • I ask Sandy to give his thoughts on a few of the players. Specifically I asked about Dutch Sheets, Rick Joyner, and Mike Bickel.
  • NAR has a practice called “Prayer Walking” by which they supposedly cast out territorial demons.
  • The NAR has many similarities to the ancient gnostics. Namely, they place heavy emphasis on special knowledge (new revelation), and attempts to create a “higher order” of Christianity/Spirituality. (Online source)

How To Discern, Test and Judge Rightly
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Friday, March 10, 2017

The Drunken Delusion of Heidi Baker

The Child of Drunkenness (Part 2 of the Seven Mountains Heresy)

 Spiritual drunkenness 

Is spiritual drunkenness really a sign of God’s favor? Or is it in reality a clear sign of God’s judgment? In looking at the scriptural references to drunkenness one can only conclude the latter. In Jeremiah chapter 51, in a prophecy of judgment upon Babylon, we read: “Babylon was a golden cup in the Lord's hand, That made all the earth drunk. The nations drank her wine; Therefore the nations are deranged…In their excitement I will prepare their feasts; I will make them drunk, That they may rejoice, And sleep a perpetual sleep And not awake, says the LORD… And I will make drunk Her princes and wise men, Her governors, her deputies, and her mighty men. And they shall sleep a perpetual sleep And not awake, says the King, Whose name is the LORD of hosts.” (Jer 51:7;39;57 NKJV) Here we clearly see that drunkenness is a direct judgment from God. Is it possible that God is judging His apostate Church (Mystery Babylon) with spiritual drunkenness even now? It is my belief that is exactly what is happening through these Latter Rain revivals” today.
In Isaiah 63:6, a prophecy of the last days, we read “I have trodden down the peoples in my anger, made them drunk in my fury, and brought down their strength to the earth.”

The Bible nowhere contains a suggestion that to be drunk, spiritually or otherwise, is a good thing for God’s people. In fact, in the Word of God, we are constantly exhorted to sobriety and self-control. “And do not be drunk with wine, in which is dissipation; but be filled with the Spirit…” (Eph 5:18) Proponents of spiritual drunkenness like to point to Acts, chapter 2, and what occurred on the day of Pentecost, particularly the response of some of the people to it: …Cretans and Arabs; we hear them speaking in our own tongues the wonderful works of God. So they were all amazed and perplexed, saying to one another, “Whatever could this mean?” Others mocking said, “They are full of new wine.” (Acts 2:11-13 NKJV) Having seen videotape examples and attended conferences of people who are supposedly “drunk in the spirit”; staggering around, struggling to talk (or preach), talking with slurred speech, and falling down, as well as behavior that is unseemly or immodest, I am totally convinced that this is not God’s Spirit at work. This kind of behavior is identical to the type of behavior exhibited by literal drunks - drunk on alcohol. There is absolutely no reason to infer from the book of Acts (Chapter 2) that the disciples of our Lord were exhibiting even one of these “symptoms” of drunkenness. If you read Acts, chapter 2 you realize that what the populace was responding to was the supernatural sign that was in evidence – they were speaking in tongues. Unable to explain this sign in any other way, some mocked and accused them of being drunk. That this charge was spurious and not even considered by the majority can be seen in the fact that 3,000 listened and responded to Peter’s (coherent) presentation of the gospel, repented of their sins, and were added to the Church that day. There is a “party spirit” loose in the Church today. Thousands are dying and slipping into an eternity in hell every day. Occultism and New Age beliefs, not to mention secular humanism and the myriad of new cults arising daily are leading millions down the wide road that leads to destruction. Yet I’m supposed to believe that God would have me sit back, relax, and enjoy some “Holy Ghost drinking party”? This is just the very thing that our Lord warned us about: “But take heed to yourselves, lest your hearts be weighed down with carousing, drunkenness, and cares of this life, and that Day come on you unexpectedly.” (Luke 21:34 NKJV) A conference in San Jose had Che Ahn, Stacy Campbell, Jim Goll and many others who were so drunk they could not stand up for hours. They had imaginary big bowls that they were drinking the “new wine” from and teaching that it was a blessing from the Lord that he was so happy with us that he wanted to pour out this bliss on us. Also present there were “fire tunnels” which upon going through the tunnels, the people came out significantly more messed up!

While researching spiritual drunkenness, I ran across this web site:

" Our first church plant is officially launched and will start at 7pm Friday May 22nd. For several months I've gotten several calls a week for people wanting to come get drunk and receive drunk teaching and revelatory drunk theology and now the needs will be met with great intoxication at "Joel's Bar." A first of its kind prototype of churches to come. The wine is not a weird side dish, it is the main course in salvation history. The intoxication is not a means to an end, IT IS THE END THING IN ITSELF. It is the bridal wine of intimacy with the person Jesus Christ. The intoxication of God's Spirit brings refreshment to the entire person, spirit, soul, and body. I heard a prophet say lately that drunkenness is one of the highest levels of wisdom in the Kingdom. So come out to this glory revolutionary church plant and drink your fill o' lovers! Come in costumes ready to drink or just come as you are! This is the craziest drunkiest messiest revival of all time. Come get pickled in the wine cellar of heaven with some of Minnesota's wildest mystics! Caution: extreme drinking in progress. Believers appear to be intoxicated on alcohol and high on drugs, but "WE ARE NOT DRUNK AS YOU SUPPOSE!!!" Just show up empty headed and heart hungry for God."

 Jim Goll and John Crowder teach “Tokin the Holy Ghost” from national platforms. I believe these two men are promoting this teaching and it is polluting the Body of Christ and people are becoming demonized.


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  Charismania = Neo-Montanism

Saturday, March 4, 2017

Heidi Baker’s Strange Fire Crusades

   So called Apostles like Heidi Baker are not only after your wallet, they are after your soul as well.

“Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.” 1 John 4:1 (KJV)

Heidi Baker is a rising star in the New Apostolic Reformation, and she is connected with Bethel Church in Redding, California. She has a global ministry that takes in millions and millions of dollars every year and like most Prosperity Gospel performers, she lives the good life. And as this video will prove beyond the shadow of any lingering doubt, she is a portal for demons looking for places to land. They are landing in bunches at Bethel Church.

GRAPHIC WARNING: This video, from a spiritual perspective, is highly disturbing and is not recommended for children to watch. Please view with caution. 

Watch the video and see people writhing in pain on the floor, screaming out in pain, this is what passes for a “church service” in the NAR Movement  at  Bill Johnson's Bethel Church

Notice how she uses repetitive phrases combined with repetitive music to put people into a trance-like state. Trance induction is an occult technique, not a biblical one.  Phrases like “receive the anointing”, “ten times”, “giving away” are repeated endlessly, this is right out of the cult’s playbook. We are called to worship God with our whole body, mind and spirit (cf 1 Corinthians 14: 14-15).  In the middle of her psychic ramblings, she easily slips in admonitions for the people to “be generous with their gifts”, meaning to empty your wallet in the plate when it comes around. This woman is  just crazy . At one point she starts repeating the word “legacy” over and over again while directing her worshippers to “put crowns on people’s head” and to “impart the anointing”. This is what it looks like when there is chaos in the Church..

On May 18, 2012 Tim Stafford of Christianity Today Magazine reported the following:  “One night, Heidi Baker had a vision of Jesus in which she literally ate his flesh and drank his blood.” And “Heidi speaks of a ministry flowing from ‘your secret place’ in a love experience with Jesus so potent it verges on the erotic.”



Toronto Blessing-Brute Beast Mocking the Lord

Baker’s ministry, called IRIS Global, is a reference to the all-seeing Eye of Horus ”. In 1998, she joined  Bill Johnson's Bethel School Of Supernatural Ministry  as a Faculty Member to “equip and deploy revivalists who passionately pursue worldwide transformation”.

Stay far away from Heidi Baker, And stay far away from this Laodicean mess at Bethel Church. This is not New Testament Christianity, and this is not Bible doctrine.

“And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.” Revelation 18:4 (KJV)

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Beware of False Prophets - Prophecies of Revelation