The So Called Ancient Mystery
- The mystery that The Return of the Gods will open will be of an entirely other dimension, one in which lies virtually everything now taking place in our culture.
- Is it possible that behind what is happening to America and the world lies a mystery hidden in inscriptions of ancient Mesopotamia?
- Could the ancient entities known to the nations as the “gods” be more than just fiction and myth – but actually possess an independent reality?
- Is it possible that they have returned to our world? Could these entities lie behind what we see on our television screens and computer monitors, what our children are being taught in their classrooms, current events, news, and the movements of our times—behind what is even now influencing our lives without our realizing it? Could this mystery be the explanation behind all the strange transformations happening to our culture in our own day?
- Is it possible that one of these ancient entities actually entered the streets of New York City and started a cultural revolution that is still transforming our world?
- Could there be a mystery that lies behind the sign of the rainbow and why it is now saturating our culture—a mystery that goes back to the tablets of ancient Sumer?
- Could the mystery of the gods actually have determined the outcome and timing of Supreme Court rulings down to their exact days?
- Is it possible that the dynamics of ancient mythology have played out in our public squares in city streets in real time?
- What is it all leading to? And what do we need to know in dealing with them – and in view of the future. This is the mystery The Return of the Gods will reveal.
As you continue to examine the contents which follow below; I provide compelling evidence that these are not ANCIENT MYSTERIES at all being revealed for the first time. All Jonathan Cahn has done is create a FACSIMILE, or to put it another way duplicate what other Bible Scholars have already shared with Christendom under the guise of unlocking a Biblical Mystery.
author digs into the ancient worship of pre-Christian gods of Baal,
Isis, and Moloch examining the faith, ambitions and aspirations of those
ancient religious cults. He then examines and contrasts the ambitions and
aspirations of the LGBTQ movement and compares their similarities. So what's so new about that? Nothing!
There are many sources cited below that show this was ALREADY DISCLOSED by several biblical scholars concerning the rise of paganism in America as well as throughout the world years ago. Actually, many Christians currently don't realize that America & Europe are post Christian nations. We already have been there for quite some time! Don't allow yourself to be blown away by all the hype talk you see and hear on these television Christian networks. It's all marketing strategies they are using to excite your curiosity in order for them to close the sale. If someone tells you they’ve discovered something in the Scriptures that no one else in 2 thousand years has uncovered, they’re wrong and trying to sell you something each and every last and lousy time. And you can BANK on it.
The Rise of Modern Paganism
Ancient nature religions, long thought dead by many, are reemerging across Western nations. Why is this happening? And what does it portend?
What is driving this global trend? Where is it leading? What does it mean to you?
The twenty-first century has witnessed remarkable historic events—the rise of Russia after the demise of the USSR, the resurgence of militant Islam, the rise of China, the fragmenting of the European Union, and ever-deepening divisions in the United States. However, one of the most surprising events has been the reemergence of ancient pagan ideas and traditions in Western nations once considered “Christian.”
As part of this global trend, Iceland has constructed its first temple in over 1,000 years to worship the old Nordic gods Thor and Odin. In England, thousands gather at Stonehenge on the summer solstice to greet the rising sun—as ancient pagans once did. In Edinburgh, Scotland, performers painted as red devils entertain crowds to celebrate the ancient Celtic Fire Festivals of Beltane and Samhain, while many gather at ancient U.K. sites to burn a wicker man—as Druids once did. In America, thousands travel to Burning Man festivals catering to uninhibited behavior resembling old pagan practices.
In Greece, Hellenists are promoting the worship of the ancient deities Zeus, Apollo, and Athena, while at the Getty Museum in Los Angeles, children write prayers to Aphrodite or Venus, the Greco-Roman goddess of love and lust—and patron goddess of prostitutes. In Eastern Europe, people celebrate ancient fertility rites by dancing around and jumping over fires, customs from a pre-Christian past. In Russia, church leaders note with concern the growing interest in pagan traditions. In America, the fastest-growing religion is witchcraft, and statues promoting satanism appear on public grounds. The U.S. Air Force Academy has even constructed a pagan chapel.
The United States, though founded by individuals who were inspired by a biblical worldview, has been drifting toward paganism for some time. Several decades ago, noted Jewish author Don Feder wrote that America "is no longer a Christian (or Judeo-Christian) nation… animated by the ethical vision of the Bible, with its special emphasis on honesty, hard work, caring and self discipline. Instead we are evolving the type of Canaanite culture (unrestrained hedonism, ritual prostitution, child sacrifice and the civic virtue of Sodom) that my ancestors encountered at the dawn of moral history… A nation will have one God or many. Ours is increasingly polytheistic… The gods of late twentieth century America include the doctrines of radical autonomy, of absolute rights divorced from responsibilities, of gender sameness, of self-expression which acknowledges no higher purpose, of moral relativism and sexual indulgence" (A Jewish Conservative Looks at Pagan America, pp. 10–11). Noting that "ideas have consequences" (ibid., p. 12), Feder observed that the burgeoning interest in witchcraft, the occult and neopaganism is directly related to political, philosophical and moral trends—from radical feminism to unrestrained hedonism—which have challenged traditional American values.
Why should the return of paganism matter to progressive Western nations today, where tolerance, acceptance, and diversity are promoted and celebrated? Is there a largely unrecognized significance to the dramatic changes taking place? Are we ignoring important lessons of history? If so, what consequences await us in the days ahead? Why should you be concerned?
The Pagan Worldview
To grasp the significance of what is happening, we need to understand the ideas and practices that permeated the pagan world, and how they differ from those of the Judeo-Christian tradition. The term pagan was initially used to describe anyone who did not believe in the God of the Bible or follow biblical guidelines. The thoroughly pagan Greco-Roman world—given to idol worship and adopting gods and practices of other religions as if they were interchangeable—provides one ancient example. Such concepts and practices were totally at odds with biblically influenced religion. The Greeks and Romans were a mix of polytheists who worshiped many gods and goddesses, pantheists who believed that “god” was everywhere in nature, and what we now call atheists, worshiping no god at all. Such pagans had no knowledge of the God of the Bible (cf. Acts 17:23). The idea of one true, personal God was generally foreign to them.
In Greco-Roman paganism, there were few fixed creeds. Truth was relative—there was little comprehension of absolute right and wrong, and no real concept of sin, guilt, or judgment. Each person decided his or her own path through life. Pagans focused primarily on earthly life, gratifying physical desires, and pursuing personal happiness. While deceptively appealing and subtle in some of its errors, it does not take much research to see that the whole of the pagan approach is utterly alien to what the Bible reveals.
Unlike the God of Scripture, the gods of the Greek pantheon, for example, were promiscuous. Myths abound with tales of their lust, envy, murder, and other gruesome deeds. Open sexuality and debauchery characterized many pagan ceremonies—especially the spring and midsummer fertility festivals. The worship of Aphrodite involved visits to temple prostitutes that generated revenue for the temple, which the Bible also condemns (Leviticus 19:29; Deuteronomy 23:17). In Greco-Roman society, fornication, homosexuality, and the sexual abuse of children—advocated by Plato and practiced by the Spartans—were common and accepted. Art that we would term pornography was everywhere. The Roman baths, inns, and taverns were locations for gratifying any kind of physical desire. One reason pagans saw biblical religion as a threat was that they feared the Bible’s teachings about sex would “turn the lights out on that merry dance” (Steven Smith, Pagans & Christians in the City, p. xiii).
The Bible teaches that children are a gift from God (Psalm 127:3–5) and that they are precious in His sight (Matthew 19:13–15). However, in the ancient pagan world, infanticide was common. Aristotle advocated killing children for population control and to eliminate malformed infants. History records the case of a Roman citizen advising his wife that if she had a child while he was away, she should keep it if it were a boy but kill it if it were a girl (Ken Spiro, WorldPerfect, pp. 6–7). The pagans of ancient Canaan and Carthage burned babies alive as sacrifices to the god Baal, hoping to receive, in return, rain or safe voyages—a practice the Scriptures clearly condemn (Leviticus 18:21; Deuteronomy 18:10). The Bible also states that human beings are made in God’s image (Genesis 1:26–27) and not to kill each other (Exodus 20:13). Yet, in the pagan world, human life had little value. Not only killing in battle, the Romans also killed for entertainment on a massive scale, and thousands of people died as crowds cheered in arenas scattered across the empire.
Take infanticide, a particularly horrific form of murder. Classical Greece, one of the most admired cultures of the ancient world, had a community that practiced infanticide as a matter of national policy. That community was Sparta, which has a far more laudatory reputation as the Greek state whose soldiers fought so heroically to the last man against the invading Persians at Thermopylae in 480 BC. But in Sparta, any infant who showed the slightest physical imperfection, not to mention deformity, at birth was left out on a hillside to die of exposure. Even worse were the child-sacrifice traditions practiced by many of the pre-Israelite Semitic tribes that inhabited Canaan before the Israelis conquered the land-a practice the ancient Jews found appalling and prohibited entirely. The Phoenicians who settled Carthage engaged in many of these same religious rites of child sacrifice to their god Molech. The Carthaginians also, according to several classical sources, sacrificed their children as part of vows to their deities. The Hebrew prophet Jeremiah denounced his fellow Israelites for adopting the child -sacrifice rituals of the Semitic Canaanites whose land the invading Israelites had taken over. The Jewish horror at this practice was confirmed by the Jewish Historian Josephus (37-100 AD), who reported that the Jews totally forbade both abortion and infanticide. In the pagan Roman Empire, infanticide appears to have been almost routine until it was finally outlawed around 374 AD, by which time Rome had been essentially Christianized (The Delusion of Disbelief pages 198-199 Dr. David Aikman).
Why is an understanding of ancient pagan ideas and traditions relevant to us today?
The Return of Paganism
In recent years, there has been a growing realization that the spread of Christian ideas in the West and general respect for the Bible did not eliminate paganism. Many ancient ideas simply went underground and have begun to reemerge in today’s more favorable climate. For the last several centuries, Europe and America have become increasingly secular as pre-Christian ideas and traditions have gained acceptance. Today, the Western nations, once considered “Christian,” appear to be in the midst of a “pagan revival,” as noted in a December 2018 New York Times article titled “The Return of Paganism.” Many concepts viewed as “progressive” in our modern society are actually part of the reemergence of pagan ideas that stand in total contrast to the teachings of biblical Christianity—and those ideas have consequences.
Commonly accepted ideas today—that God does not exist, that the Bible is not divinely inspired, that all religions are equally valid, that absolute values of right and wrong do not exist, and that there is no such thing as sin—were all expounded by ancient pagan philosophers. Just as adultery, fornication, homosexuality, pornography, and infanticide were condoned and widely practiced in the ancient pagan world, these activities are increasingly common and even celebrated today. The “secular humanism” that dominates modern society is, in many instances, a thinly disguised “neo-paganism” asserting itself in our twenty-first century culture. In fact, a Google search for “modern paganism” or “contemporary paganism” demonstrates a startling level of interest in bringing ancient, pagan practices back into prominence. But how could the anti-Christian values and ideas of paganism displace Judeo-Christian values that have seemed so firmly woven into the culture of Western civilization for so long?
Seeds Sown Long Ago
The fertile ground for the decline of Christian influence and the return of paganism was actually prepared during the early centuries of Christianity. As the Church grew and spread throughout the Mediterranean world, it encountered many pagan ideas and practices that some did not discard, but rather adopted and absorbed into their doctrine. These customs were popular, and apostate church leaders reasoned that incorporating them would make it easier for pagans to convert to this new religion. The biblical Sabbath observed by Jesus, the apostles, and early Christians (Luke 4:16; Acts 13:14, 42–44; 17:1–2) was abandoned in favor of Sunday, a day already acknowledged by pagans who, like Emperor Constantine, worshipped the sun. The popular winter festival of the Saturnalia—a time of gambling, merry-making, and social role-reversal—was renamed “Christmas” and observed as Jesus’ birthday, despite the total lack of biblical support for the major deviation from original Christian practice that the festival represented. (See Gerald E. Weston’s article “Does Christmas Matter?,” on page 18 of this issue.) The pagan springtime fertility festivals with eggs, rabbits, and sexually-oriented activities honoring Aphrodite and Ishtar (“the queen of heaven”) were adopted by increasingly apostate leaders and named “Easter” under the guise of remembering Jesus’ resurrection—even though the Scriptures condemn these practices (see, for example, Jeremiah 7:18; 44:18–23; Ezekiel 8:15–18). It is unsurprising that some Christians begin to question their faith when they look into the origins of these major holidays.
The historical evidence is undeniable: Professing Christians who claimed to follow the teachings of Jesus borrowed many ideas and customs from the pagan world, something the Bible clearly warned against (Deuteronomy 12:29–32; 16:21–22; 18:9–12). Historian Will Durant has stated, “Christianity did not destroy paganism; it adopted it… [The] Greek mysteries passed down into the impressive mystery of the Mass… From Egypt came the ideas of the adoration of the Mother and Child… From Phrygia came the worship of the Great Mother… Christianity was the last great creation of the ancient pagan world” (Caesar and Christ, p. 595). Others have documented that many non-Scriptural practices of modern, mainstream Christianity—crosses, crucifixes, church steeples, shrines, clerical vestments, relics, Sunday worship, and even the title Pontifex Maximus—were “lifted directly out of pagan culture in the post-apostolic period” (Frank Viola and George Barna, Pagan Christianity?, p. 6).
While many assume the Protestant Reformation of the 1500s restored true, biblical Christianity, this is simply not true. Although some non-biblical practices were eliminated or weakened—such as indulgences, confession to a priest, praying to saints, rosaries, the ideas of purgatory and transubstantiation, and the role of the pope—many other doctrines of pagan origin were retained. Although the Reformation severed Protestantism from the ecclesiastical control of the Roman church over doctrine and practice, the new emphasis on religious freedom “opened the doors to wider dissent and to irreligion as well” (Harold Lindsell, The New Paganism, p. 42). The irreligious fruits of the Reformation emerged in the centuries that followed.
Neo-Pagans of the Enlightenment
The Enlightenment was an intellectual movement that emerged in Europe in the 1700s, and it played a pivotal role in reviving ancient pagan ideas that continue to shape our modern world. Critical thinkers of the Enlightenment resented the corruption, extravagance, and oppressiveness of the Roman church, and they were driven by the winds of change the Reformation generated. Over the years that followed, critics launched unremitting attacks on Christianity, the Bible, and God. Their weapons included the rediscovery and popularization of pagan Greco-Roman writings and the misunderstanding, misinterpretation, and misuse of discoveries in the natural world.
Like their ancient pagan predecessors, the “neo-pagans” of the Enlightenment focused on the natural world, and they rejected the idea of one supernatural God who intervenes in human affairs. Enamored with human reason, they mocked the idea that the Bible is a divinely inspired book containing accurate history and universally applicable moral laws. The rise of so-called “higher criticism” in Western academia generated claims that many books of the Bible were spurious, that miracles are impossible, that Jesus was not the divine Son of God—just an itinerant preacher in Palestine—and that His resurrection was staged, invented, or imagined.
This anti-Christian perspective was aided by scientific discoveries and theories that appeared to contradict a religious worldview—partially due to unfounded (and unbiblical) superstitions that had become associated with “Christianity.” Copernicus had already demonstrated that the earth revolved around the sun and not the reverse. Medical advances revealed that diseases were not always caused by curses from God, but by germs—and seemed to be preventable through new medical practices. These and other discoveries all fell in the realm of the natural world that the pagan philosophers focused on, and appeared to some to paint God and the Bible as unnecessary products of human imagination. Within an atmosphere of eagerness to reject the supernatural, Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution—which claimed to explain the living world without appealing to a Creator—found a ready audience.
Such cultural changes during and after the Enlightenment produced a momentous shift in the worldview of Western nations that had functioned on a Judeo-Christian foundation for the better part of a millennium. The spirit of the age presumed that human reason could replace biblical revelation as a guide to truth, that the scientific method was more trustworthy than Scripture, and that a secular approach to life would lead to happiness and a better world. These anti-Christian ideas were gifts of the Enlightenment that have infiltrated our universities and shaped the troubled world in which we live—where paganism has returned as biblical religion has declined. However, as Yale historian Peter Gay has noted, the critics, skeptics, and reformers of the Enlightenment “were modern pagans” whose paganism was “directed against their Christian inheritance” in an effort to create a world free of moral restraints (The Enlightenment: The Rise of Modern Paganism, pp. xi, 8).
A Dangerous Road Ahead
We need to ask several important questions. What is the real significance of the modern revival of ancient pagan ideas and traditions? What is driving this historic shift? Why is it happening today in the Western world? Where is it leading?
In recent decades, numerous observers have recognized that we are slipping backward into the equivalent of a pre-Christian past. Historian Jacques Barzun noted that, over the last 500 years, “the West offered the world a set of ideas and institutions not found earlier or elsewhere,” and that secular ideas and practices—largely stemming from the Enlightenment period—“are bringing about its demise” (From Dawn to Decadence, p. xv). British journalist Ferdinand Mount has observed that “the society that is now emerging bears an astonishing resemblance… almost eerily so, to the ways in which the Greeks and Romans lived,” emphasizing physical pleasures, gratuitous violence, unlimited sexual freedoms, multiple gods, and no sense of guilt (Full Circle, p. 1). While some have resisted these “progressive” changes, our secular Western societies as a whole continue to jettison biblical values and absorb thoroughly pagan ones—clearly heading down a dangerous path.
Nearly 80 years ago, social critic T. S. Eliot noted that the future of Western societies would be determined by a contest between Christianity and what he called “modern paganism” (Pagans & Christians in the City, p. 8). A generation later, theologian Carl F. H. Henry warned that neo-pagans were threatening “to undermine the foundations of Western civilization” and that the already visible result of their ideas was “moral and intellectual decay paralleled only by Pompeii and Sodom” (The Twilight of a Great Civilization, p. ix). Today, numerous scholars recognize that there is a powerful religious element to the “culture war” being waged within Western civilization, as essentially pagan and godless ideas come into conflict with long-held Judeo-Christian values and biblical concepts.
The Bible reveals that the “god of this age” (2 Corinthians 4:3–4) is Satan the devil—an entity most modern pagans do not believe even exists. This is unsurprising, as Scripture also reveals that Satan has deceived “the whole world” (Revelation 12:9). He is the demonic “author” of the spiritual confusion and carnal attitudes driving the return of paganism and corrupting the Bible-influenced foundations of Western civilization. The creatively destructive leaders of the Enlightenment and their modern disciples are Satan’s unwitting accomplices (see 2 Corinthians 11:3–4, 13–15).
It wouldn't surprise me if
Jonathan has been reading Michael Heiser's books and some of his other good
scholarship on the existence of the gods in Jewish and other literature
throughout time. The reason Cahn's fallacies are subtle is that a good case can
be made for their existence and for them being put in charge of the
nations, while the Lord God of Israel, chooses Israel as the nation He
will be in charge of and he will use them to reach out to other nations.
We gentiles were put in the nations with the purpose of being drawn to
the living God. At no time does the Bible say it is possible to
displace these gods/principalities over the nations by means of prayer or revival.
Daniel's prayers in chapter 9 are used by God to assist an Angelic messenger with the help of the Arc Angel Michael to
get through and reveal important truths to Daniel, but the "prince of
Persia" which today is modern day Iran is still there and still wreaking havoc in that part of the world. This death and
destruction is meant to point our hearts toward a longing for justice
and peace, which is the Kingdom of God. Our time in the nations, in this
evil age, is meant to make us long and search for the true God, to cry
"Maranatha!" for His return, to set up His Kingdom here on earth, ruling
and reigning from Jerusalem. We do not set up that Kingdom through some
massive revival in a gentile nation like America. That is no where to be found in scripture. No
What does the Bible say? In the millennial age, Israel
as a nation that has experienced national conversion, will reach out to
and see the conversion of the gentile nations(see link below)
The Millennial Kingdom - With All Wisdom
Few realize that the dramatic cultural shift we are witnessing was actually predicted nearly 3,000 years ago in the Bible. The rise of Western civilization was not an accident. God anciently revealed His laws, religion, and way of life to the ancient Israelites (Exodus 20) so they could be a light and example to the world (Deuteronomy 4:6–8). The Israelites entered into a covenant with God that promised blessings for obedience and serious consequences for disobedience (Leviticus 26; Deuteronomy 28)—consequences that included going into captivity for turning away from Him. Following their Assyrian captivity, the northern Israelite tribes migrated into different parts of the world where God’s promises to Abraham and his descendants were fulfilled in the rise of several Western nations (see Genesis 12:1–3).
Moses thundered numerous warnings to the ancient Israelites about the consequences of forgetting God and turning to other gods (Deuteronomy 6:14; 7:16; 8:18–19; 12:29–32), and recorded a sobering prophecy about what would happen to the modern Israelite nations as they approached the end of the age. He was inspired to warn, “For I know that after my death you will become utterly corrupt, and turn aside from the way which I have commanded you. And evil will befall you in the latter days, because you will do evil in the sight of the Lord” (Deuteronomy 31:29). Jeremiah also warned that “the time of Jacob’s trouble” would come upon Jacob’s descendants—modern-day Israelites “in the latter days” because of their embrace of ideas and behaviors that God condemns (Jeremiah 30:1–25). With the resurgence of outright and unmasked paganism in many Western nations, these ancient prophecies are coming true today.
Seeing how anti-Christian ideas and practices are spreading throughout the Western world today, it appears that many have failed to learn the lessons of history. We are repeating the mistakes of the ancient Israelites—despite the examples God recorded in the Bible for our benefit at the end of the age (1 Corinthians 10:1–11). While our modern nations may not repent of turning away from God, you can learn from these examples and avoid the coming consequences—if you recognize and avoid the ideas and practices rooted in the modern return of paganism and begin sincerely seeking the God and way of life presented in the pages of Scripture.
Some final thoughts about Jonathan Cahn's fallacies:
Advance the video above related to Mr. Cahn's interview with Daystar between time frames 3:50-4:00. Mr. Cahn asks the following question: "WHAT IF EVERYTHING THAT IS HAPPENING TO TRANSFORM AMERICA IS AN ANCIENT MYSTERY"? Now here is the problem with that assertion:
Definition of Ancient Mysteries
Secret rituals of pagan religions, known only to select initiates who had qualified for higher spiritual development. Such mysteries were kept apart from popular worship, and initiates had to take a binding oath of secrecy, so that even today our knowledge of the mysteries is partly conjectural. Typical mystery cults were those of Eleusis in Greece from about 1500
B.C.E., in turn deriving from the mystery religions of ancient Egypt and the mysteries of Mithras, a Persian deity. Traces of Mithraism existed in Britain. Many secret societies in modern times have claimed that their rituals are a descent of an ancient tradition.
Dear viewer: I did an exhaustive search to see if this term ANCIENT MYSTERY is found in the bible. Nowhere is this term found either in the Old or New Testaments. However I did find a list of Ancient Mystery Religions in the book "ESSENTIALS OF BIBLE HISTORY" pages 564-567 as follows:
As you can see this term Ancient Mystery is not biblically based but has a direct correlation to Ancient pagan religions.Go to the links below to learn more about the origins of
Ancient Mysteries and how it was applied by Mystery Religions
of the Ancient World
The Ancient Mysteries and Secret Societies , Part One
The Ancient Mysteries and Secret Societies, Part Two
The Ancient Mysteries and Secret Societies, Part Three
If you continue to advance the video to time frames 8:50-8:55 Mr. Cahn asserts that America was founded after the pattern of Israel. Is America modeled after Israel as Mr. Cahn claims in this video?
Cahn often repeats what I call our national myth—that America is somehow modeled after Israel. This myth goes back to the beginning of our American history but cannot be sustained by any biblical standard. The myth is based on the belief that man can unilaterally make a covenant and bind God to it, without God having agreed to anything. Cahn claims, “Embedded in America’s foundation is a prophetic warning. The warning was given on America’s first day as a nation. It concerns what will happen if America should ever turn away from God” (Cahn: 21). For such a warning to be valid and binding, it would have to be issued by an infallible prophet who speaks for God, in this case, beyond scripture. Who, exactly, is America’s Moses, or Jesus, or the apostles? Lacking any such person, God cannot have stated that America is modeled after Israel and has a binding covenant with her. That God does as Mr. Cahn claims above, is based on our national Judaeo-Christian myth.Also in the video above Jonathan Cahn claims that the charging Market Bull located at Wall St. NYC is the GOD OF BAAL. (FAST FORWARD THE VIDEO TO TIME FRAMES 11:10 TO 11:40). That is a gross fallacious statement. It is plausible that Cahn did not do a thorough research into the history behind this sculpture. And it is possible that he is just too obsessed with Baal and will select almost anything that resembles Baal's image to prove his thesis. I believe this fallacy is just an elaborate fabrication. Below is the true history behind this sculpture written by the ELEMENT FEDERAL CREDIT UNION.
The Secret History of the Wall Street Bull
Bulls and bears can be considered the unofficial mascots of the stock market. They represent the upward and downward movements of the stock market over a period of time and have even come to describe investor behavior (optimistic investors are said to be bullish, while investors with a pessimistic outlook are said to be bearish). In a field typically known for its confusing financial terminology and often uninspired language, the bull and bear symbols really stand out—and this is especially true in Lower Manhattan.
The Charging Bull (also referred to as the Wall Street Bull) is a massive 7,100-pound bronze sculpture located in the Financial District in New York City. At 11 feet tall and 16 feet long, the aggressive bull is an unmistakable tribute to power and prosperity. Over the years, it has been accepted as an iconic New York City monument and an international symbol of Wall Street. It draws thousands of tourists and selfie-takers daily, and parts of the statue (the snout and horns, but also some inappropriate zones) have been burnished to a bright golden bronze by visitors rubbing the statue for good luck. What many do not realize is that the iconic Charging Bull has a relatively young—and rather unusual—history.
Charging Bull has been guarding the streets of the Financial District for only a few decades. It first appeared in front of the New York Stock Exchange in December 1989, much to the surprise and confusion of New Yorkers. Why? The statue had not been commissioned by the city. It was an act of guerrilla art.
For two years, SoHo artist Arturo Di Modica had been working on his bronze and stainless steel sculpture out of his studio. The artwork was created in response to the 1987 stock market crash. According to Di Modica’s assistant at the time, it was a way for him “to encourage everybody to realize America’s economic power.”
One cold Thursday night, Di Modica and some friends rented a crane, loaded the massive sculpture onto a flatbed truck, drove it to the Financial District and installed it on the center line of Broad Street, near a festive 60-foot Christmas tree. The following morning, Di Modica handed out fliers explaining the significance of his artwork-turned-Christmas-gift to passersby. Hundreds came out to admire the work, but the police were less than amused—Charging Bull had been installed without a permit and without concern for the effect the statue would have on traffic and public safety. The bull was immediately impounded and hauled off to Queens. The resulting public outcry was so great that the New York City Department of Parks & Recreation reinstalled the statue a few days later in Bowling Green Park in the Financial District, where it remains on display to this day. New York City does not own the sculpture and so Charging Bull has technically been on temporary display since 1989.
The cultural impact of the sculpture has spread far and wide. Replicas of Di Monica’s sculpture have found homes in Amsterdam and Shanghai. Charging Bull has helped set the scene in many TV shows and movies (Mr. Robot and The Wolf of Wall Street are a couple of notable examples). It was guarded by police during the Occupy Wall Street movement and remained barricaded for three years following the protests. Most recently, it inspired an additional artistic installation—in honor of International Women’s Day 2017, a bronze statue of a defiant little girl was temporarily installed facing the iconic bull (and yes, the statue of the defiant little girl did have a permit from the city).
In case you’re wondering whether the bronze bull of Wall Street will ever be joined by his bearish counterpart, don’t count on it. When the notion was first suggested shortly after Charging Bull’s installation, Di Modica rejected it quickly—he didn’t think it would do as good a job at representing the optimism of the American people. Bull and bear markets get to share the spotlight in the stock market, but it looks like Charging Bull will continue to have Lower Manhattan all to himself.
Temple of Baal in New York City
Temporary reproductions of the Temple of Baal's arch (destroyed by ISIS in Syria) planned for New York City and London sparked inaccurate online rumors; the former was put on hold indefinitely.
- Published
Exactly what is the Zohar?
Traditionalist Christians who oppose same-sex marriage and other cultural developments in the United States wonder why they are being forced to bracket their beliefs in order to participate in public life. This situation is not new, says Steven D. Smith: Christians two thousand years ago faced very similar challenges.
Picking up poet T. S. Eliot’s World War II–era thesis that the future of the West would be determined by a contest between Christianity and “modern paganism,” Smith argues in this book that today’s culture wars can be seen as a reprise of the basic antagonism that pitted pagans against Christians in the Roman Empire. Smith’s Pagans and Christians in the City looks at that historical conflict and explores how the same competing ideas continue to clash today. All of us, Smith shows, have much to learn by observing how patterns from ancient history are reemerging in today’s most controversial issues.(Published 2018)