Wednesday, November 22, 2023




The historical narrative of our country concerning the Kennedy assassination is distorted with biased and unverified information that could be characterized as a myth. Sadly, the majority of the conclusions and purported facts concerning the death of President Kennedy are anecdotal, unrealistic, and incorrect statements kept alive by those who would prefer fabrications that promote sensationalism as opposed to the quiet reality of fact. Court certified Forensic expert Sherry Fiester has chosen to concentrate on eight particular areas of controversy that have captured the popular imagination and taken on lives of their own as myths. Did Dallas PD properly investigate the crime scene? Did the limousine stop? Can we trust what witnesses heard? Is the blood in the Zapruder film faked? Did the fatal shot originate from the grassy knoll? Were there two simultaneous head shots? Does ballistic testing prove a single shooter? Is the Single Bullet Theory possible? Meeting the evidentiary standard required to support a criminal conviction in today's courtroom, Enemy of The Truth: Myths, Forensics, and the Kennedy Assassination answers those questions with the unprecedented application of new forensic techniques.

This is the first book of its kind in a new era of assassination analysis. Fiester complies and interprets extraordinary new leaps in science and research gathered from studies performed internationally by medical doctors, physicists, and criminologists that has been submitted for peer review in technical journals published around the world. Fiester introduces us to new methods and new technologies which could not have been applied to President Kennedy's assassination until their advent and development between the mid 1980's and the first full decade of the 21st century. She introduces the reader to contemporary forensic research focusing on the mechanics of head wound ballistics, utilization of high-speed projectile impact photography, radial and concentric fracture sequencing in studies of human skulls, symmetrical and asymmetrical beveling in relation to projectile directionality, the related subject of blood spatter, explains President Kennedy's measurable forward motion immediately prior to his violent movement back (and to the left), and proposes a Trajectory Analysis which establish mathematically which areas must be excluded as possible sniper locations for the fatal head shot.

There is no place for biased and unverified information in the narration of our country. Hope for a factual record requires assertions be periodically reanalyzed to assure the perception of truth has not been scientifically proven obsolete. The insidious deceptiveness of prevailing myths concerning the Kennedy assassination must cease. While mysterious and convoluted claims concerning the Kennedy assassination may capture attention, the need for authentication cannot be allowed to fall by the wayside. Otherwise, the melodramatic and exaggerated message of the myth becomes the focus rather than forensically proven truths. It is incumbent upon us to focus on scientific disciplines for an explanation and validation of concepts surrounding President Kennedy’s death, as only then will the myth be exposed as an illusion.

We are on a journey from 1963 Dallas to the present. The landscape is always changing, sometimes noticeably, other times less apparently. Fiester is one whose work is bringing illumination to our passage from darkness to light along the path of discovery. Enemy of The Truth: Myths, Forensics, and the Kennedy Assassination by Sherry Fiester is unique in purpose and achievement. It provides information that educates and challenges; and does so with the power to force serious students of America's most consequential murder case to reexamine what they think they know.

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