Word of Faith Heresy Exposed, A Call for Discernment Part 2
Word of Faith Heresy Exposed, A Call for Discernment Part 3
Beware of Judas Goats
The Judas Goat
Pictured above is a misleading deception and betrayal of trust. The sheep are unwittingly following this trained goat directly into the slaughterhouse. This goat is known as a “Judas goat.” The Judas goat is trained to associate with sheep, befriend them, and then lead them to a specific destination. In stockyards, a Judas goat will lead sheep into the chute for slaughter, where it alone is removed and spared.
In the Garden of Gethsemane, it was Judas that betrayed the Lord, the Lamb of God, into the hands of the enemy, effectively delivering Him to the slaughter.
Satan still employs Judas goats today. These people – unsaved false professors, carnal and worldly Christians, or bitter backsliders operating in the flesh – are a hindrance and a nuisance to the local church. These scornful, critical, gossipy members cause strife, bring division, mislead people from the Lord, and seek to split members and families away from the church God put them in.
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