What About Atrocities That Have Been Done in the Name of Religion?

Many atheists claim that religion is evil and, as such, cannot be from God. It is true that there are many examples of evil committed in the name of Christianity. In the past, those who disagreed with "official" church doctrine, such as Galileo were persecuted or killed. Many other Christians were brought before the Inquisition because they were teaching from the Bible instead of from "officially sanctioned" Roman Catholic Church materials. In addition, the Crusades resulted in "holy" wars between "Christians," Jews, and Moslems. In more modern times, wars have been fought between Catholics and Protestants in Northern Ireland and between Jews and Arabs in the Middle East. However, common to all this violence was an underlying struggle for power. Today, some people kill abortionists in the name of God. Are these people unwilling pawns of religion or using religion to justify their own evil agendas?History of human atrocities
Therefore, I absolutely agree with atheists and others who say that many atrocious things have been done in the name of God, and even in the name of Christianity. However, these atrocities were not perpetrated by God, but by evil human beings. If we look at the history of democide (which includes genocide, politicide, and mass murder, but not war-dead) prior to the 20th century, we find that millions of people were killed by people groups who wanted the other people groups eliminated. Note that these numbers do not include those killed through wars.TABLE 3.1 Selected Pre-20th Century Democide and Totals1 |
Cases | Years2 | Democide3 | Religious? |
China | 221 B.C.-19 C. | 33,519,0004 | No |
Mongols | 14 C-15 C | 29,927,000 | No |
Slavery of Africans | 1451-1870 | 17,267,000 | No |
Amer-Indians | 16 C-19 C | 13,778,000 | No |
Thirty Years War | 1618-1648 | 5,750,000 | No |
In India | 13 C-1 9 C | 4,511,0005 | No |
In Iran | 5 C-19 C | 2,000,0004,5 | No |
Ottoman Empire | 12 C-19 C | 2,000,0005 | No |
In Japan | 1570-19 C | 1,500,0005 | No |
In Russia | 10 C-19 C | 1,007,0005 | No |
Christian Crusades | 1095-1272 | 1,000,000 | Yes |
Aztecs | Centuries | 1,000,0006 | Yes |
Spanish Inquisition | 16 C-18 C | 350,000 | Yes |
French Revolution | 1793-1794 | 263,000 | No |
Albigensian Crusade | 1208-1249 | 200,000 | Yes |
Witch Hunts | 15 C-17 C | 100,000 | Yes |
Total For All Cases | pre-20 C | 133,147,000 | 2,650,000 |
Hypothetical Total | 30 C B.C.-19 C A.D. | 625,716,0007 | |
International war-related dead | 30 C B.C.-19 C A.D. | 40,457,0008 | |
Plague dead (Black Death) | 541 A.D.-1912 | 102,070,0009 | |
TABLE 1.2 20th Century Democide1 |
U.S.S.R. | 1917-87 | 61,911,000 | Yes |
China (PRC) | 1949-87 | 35,236,000 | Yes |
Germany | 1933-45 | 20,946,000 | No |
China (KMT) | 1928-49 | 10,075,000 | No |
Japan | 1936-45 | 5,964,000 | No |
China (Mao Soviets)3 | 1923-49 | 3,466,000 | Yes |
Cambodia | 1975-79 | 2,035,000 | Yes |
Turkey (Armenian Genocide) | 1909-18 | 1,883,000 | No |
Vietnam | 1945-87 | 1,670,000 | Yes |
Poland | 1945-48 | 1,585,000 | Yes |
Pakistan | 1958-87 | 1,503,000 | No |
Yugoslavia (Tito) | 1944-87 | 1,072,000 | Yes |
North Korea | 1948-87 | 1,663,000 | Yes |
Mexico | 1900-20 | 1,417,000 | No |
Russia | 1900-17 | 1,066,000 | Yes |
China (Warlords) | 1917-49 | 910,000 | No |
Turkey (Ataturk) | 1919-23 | 878,000 | No |
United Kingdom | 1900-87 | 816,000 | No |
Portugal (Dictatorship) | 1926-82 | 741,000 | No |
Indonesia | 1965-87 | 729,000 | No |
LESSER MURDERERS | 1900-87 | 2,792,000 | ? |
WORLD TOTAL | 1900-87 | 169,202,000 | 107,047,000 |
Country | Dates | Murders |
Afghanistan | 1978-1992 | 1,750,000 |
Albania | 1944-1985 | 100,000 |
Angola | 1975-2002 | 125,000 |
Bulgaria | 1944-1989 | 222,000 |
China/PRC | 1923-2007 | 76,702,000 |
Cuba | 1959-1992 | 73,000 |
Czechoslovakia | 1948-1968 | 65,000 |
Ethiopia | 1974-1991 | 1,343,610 |
France | 1793-1794 | 40,000 |
Greece | 1946-1949 | 20,000 |
Hungary | 1948-1989 | 27,000 |
Kampuchea/Cambodia | 1973-1991 | 2,627,000 |
Laos | 1975-2007 | 93,000 |
Mongolia | 1926-2007 | 100,000 |
Mozambique | 1975-1990 | 118,000 |
North Korea | 1948-2007 | 3,163,000 |
Poland | 1945-1948 | 1,607,000 |
Romania | 1948-1987 | 438,000 |
Spain (Republic) | 1936-1939 | 102,000 |
U.S.S.R. | 1917-1987 | 61,911,000 |
Vietnam | 1945-2007 | 1,670,000 |
Yugoslavia | 1944-1980 | 1,072,000 |
What about Christians who commit evil?
Jesus Himself addressed the issue of "Christians," performing evil deeds in a rather chilling prophecy:"Many will say to Me on that day, 'Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in Your name, and in Your name cast out demons, and in Your name perform many miracles?' And then I will declare to them, 'I never knew you; DEPART FROM ME, YOU WHO PRACTICE LAWLESSNESS.'" (Matthew 7:22-23)
How do you know if a person is a Christian or not?
We cannot know for certain whether a person is or is not a true Christian (only God can makes such a determination).2 However, the Bible describes the nature of a person who is indwelt by the Holy Spirit3 (which happens at the point a person accept Jesus as Lord and Savior):But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law. (Galatians 5:22-23)In addition, the true believer does what is right and demonstrates love toward others.4 Even non-believers can readily see who the true Christians are. Ultimately, the behavior of those who claim to be Christians but practice evil should not be a consideration in determining if the claims of Christ are true or not.
Yes, "Christians" have committed atrocities against other religious and non-religious people. However, atheists have committed far more atrocities than all religious groups combined. Even so, the key factor in these atrocities has been totalitarian power, rather than religion, which has resulted in these hundreds of millions of murders. The Bible says that people are evil (and the statistics on this page support this claim), but that they can become transformed through the power of the Holy Spirit to live lives of love, joy and peace.
Related Pages 
The Irrational Atheist: Dissecting the Unholy Trinity of Dawkins, Harris, and Hitchens
- STATISTICS OF DEMOCIDE: Genocide and Mass Murder Since 1900 By R.J. Rummel
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