“The rapid spread of protests across the West under the Black Lives Matter banner has left a political breathlessness from Baltimore to Berlin. Those in positions of authority are scrambling to show they are addressing endemic racism, and in the commercial sphere, not ending up on the wrong side of the debate and risking Twitter storms and boycotts. In a world where nothing is exempt from moral judgment, being on trend means signing up for radical political movements,” Alexandra Phillips writes at the Telegraph in an article titled, “Make no mistake – BLM is a radical neo-Marxist political movement.”
“That is what Black Lives Matter is. Don’t take my word for it. Take theirs. The form of words that appears on most online posts connected to the group riffs on ‘the black radical tradition’ which counts among its past contributors the Black Panther Movement and Malcolm X. BLM happily self-identifies as a neo-Marxist movement with various far-left objectives, including defunding the police (an evolution of the Panther position of public open-carry to control the police), to dismantling capitalism and the patriarchal system, disrupting the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure, seeking reparations from slavery to redistribute wealth and via various offshoot appeals, to raise money to bail black prisoners awaiting trial. The notion of seizing control of the apportionment of capital, dismantling the frameworks of society, and neutralizing and undermining law enforcement is not just Marxist, but anarchic….”THE DEMANDS ARE RADICAL, DIVISIVE, ANTI-CAPITALIST
Among the six categories of demands are permanent reparations “for past and continuing harms” to the black community, including free education for life and a guaranteed minimum income; the end of “the war on black people” and banning the “criminalization” of blacks in any form, including pop culture; the redirecting of law enforcement and military funds to black communities; a complete overhaul of the economy to benefit black people and a rewriting of the tax code for a “radical” redistribution of wealth; control over local government; and “independent Black political power and Black self-determination in all areas of society.”
This did not come from the fringe BLM, it came from over 60 organizations associated with the movement endorsing it, The Daily Wire reported at the time.
Of course, black lives matter and that’s why we want them to have decent schools, good jobs, and no poverty.The left-wing Democrats have had free reign and completely unencumbered power to institute any policy they’ve wanted in every major city in America since the late 1960s and look at the state of African-Americans in those cities today. The left is trying to do the same thing to Hispanics. Eventually, we will all be dependent on far-left Democrats if we don’t start standing up for American values.
Black Lives Matter co-founder describes herself as ‘trained Marxist’

Patrisse Cullors
Rich Fury/Getty Images for Teen Vogue
Cullors, 36, was the protégé of Eric Mann (see picture below), former agitator of the Weather Underground domestic terror organization, and spent years absorbing the Marxist-Leninist ideology that shaped her worldview, Breitbart News reported.
“The first thing, I think, is that we actually do have an ideological frame. Myself and Alicia in particular are trained organizers,” she said, referring to BLM co-founder Alicia Garza.
“We are trained Marxists. We are super-versed on, sort of, ideological theories. And I think that what we really tried to do is build a movement that could be utilized by many, many black folk,” Cullors added in the interview with Jared Ball of The Real News Network.
While promoting her book “When They Call You a Terrorist: A Black Lives Matter Memoir” in 2018, Cullors described her introduction to and support for Marxist ideology.
She described to Democracy Now! how she became a trained organizer with the Labor/Community Strategy Center, which she called her “first political home” under the mentorship of Mann, its director, Breitbart reported.
The center, which describes its philosophy as “an urban experiment,” uses grassroots organization to “focus on Black and Latino communities with deep historical ties to the long history of anti-colonial, anti-imperialist, pro-communist resistance to the US empire,” according to the outlet.
It also expresses its appreciation for the work of the US Communist
Party, “especially Black communists,” as well as its support for “the
great work of the Black Panther Party, the American Indian Movement,
Young Lords, Brown Berets, and the great revolutionary rainbow
experiments of the 1970s,” Breitbart reported.

Eric Mann

In 1968, Eric Mann was a coordinator for Students for a Democratic Society, from which a more radical wing –- the Weather Underground — was splintered the following year.
It was led by Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn, who called for “direct
action” over civil disobedience, seeking the overthrow of the US
government. In 1969, the FBI classified the group as a domestic terror
Mann was eventually charged with assault and battery, disturbing the
peace, damaging property, defacing a building and disturbing a public
assembly, for which he spent 18 months behind bars.
Former FBI Counterterrorism Director Terry Turchie says the Black Lives Matter movement “is all too familiar” to the Weather Underground and the Black Panther Party groups of the 1960s and 1970s. “No one has read what Black Lives Matter has written as far as their plan, but it bears a great similarity to what the Black Panther Party was saying back then,” Mr Turchie told Sky News. “The Black Panther Party was a Marxist Maoist Leninist organisation and that came from Huey Newton, one of the co-founders, who said we’re standing for nothing more than the total transformation of the United States government. “He went on to explain that they wanted to take the tension that already existed in black communities and exacerbate it where they can. “To take those situations where there is a tinderbox and light the country on fire,” Mr Turchie said. “Today we’re seeing the third revolution and they think they can make this happen. “The only thing that is different are the names of the groups.”
The alliance involving Russia, China, Cuba, and Iran is responsible for
the resurrection of the ideology of communism across the globe. Under
the guise of democratic socialism, an aggressive campaign is underway
inside the United States, to incrementally move America in the same
direction. The passionate advocates of democratic socialism include some
of the key leaders of the Democratic Party.The underlayment of the
ideology of communism is international solidarity. America is not immune
from its reach. Democratic leaders view the Resistance movement of the
1970's as one of America's revolutions. They view the Resistance
movement of today as its political equivalent. The Weather Underground
and Black Panther Party recognized that the overthrow of America's
Constitutional Republic would result in a temporary period of
socialism-followed by communism. Communism went dormant after the
collapse of the former Soviet Union. But years of rule by Vladimir Putin
and his worldwide mischief-making, have brought it back to life.
Venezuela's rule by so-called socialist Hugo Chavez was bolstered by
international solidarity with sympathetic Americans and elected
officials who viewed him as another in a long line of benevolent
revolutionaries, in the image of Fidel Castro of Cuba. The Venezuelan
experiment in democratic socialism was the talk of the liberal elite in
America-until it wasn't.The consolidation of power by China's Xi
Jinping, China's positions on Taiwan, its aggressive stance on continued
economic freedom in Hong Kong, and a resurgence of China's relationship
with Cuba and South America are intended to further its global
ambitions.The development of relationships with the ayatollahs who rule
Iran proves the importance of international solidarity in furthering the
ideology of communism. Russia, China, Cuba, and Iran are the modern
version of President Ronald Reagan's "axis of evil," from the 1980s.
They are looking to establish a home base inside the United States.
Communism, Marxism, globalism, have resurrected and reinvented
themselves in the pursuit of absolute power. Just like the 1980's,
America is the primary target.
The spreading of the deceptive
message of democratic socialism to a generation that never faced
communism and doesn't understand its insidious nature goes unabated.This
book connects the past to the present. It offers a plan to protect
America's future. The information in it is from real people who stood on
the front lines of the Cold War. They were real actors in the 1980's
"decade of the spy", and understand the inner workings of Russian, Chinese, Cuban and Iranian espionage in America. 7.This
book presents the evidence showing the penetration of the Democratic
Party by political revolutionaries promoting democratic socialism, as a
cover for the ideology of communism. The proof lies in their own words.
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