I suspect that Morgue is an Atheist. As soon as he mentioned Frederick Nietzsche in this video, that spoke volumes to me. So, let's turn the tables here around and discuss what MORGUE and Atheism is all about below.
Frederick Nietzsche was furiously opposed to Christianity and declared God was dead in his 1882 short work, “The Parable of the Madman.” However, he acknowledged that his rejection of the Christian faith was not rational but instead volitional: “It is our preference that decides against Christianity, not arguments” (quoted by Henri Lubac, The Drama of Atheist Humanism, Ignatius Press, 1995, p. 49). Being committed to evolution and the survival of the fittest, Nietzsche had strong contempt for Christ because of the mercy He showed to the weak and outcasts: “What is more harmful than any vice?—Practical sympathy for the botched and the weak—Christianity. . . . Mankind . . . doesn’t have to thank mere tolerance and humanitarianism for its own existence” (The Antichrist, trans. by H. L. Mencken, Alfred A. Knopf, 1924, pp. 43, 63). This stance may have had some influence on his anti-Semitism: “The whole history of Israel ceased to be of any value: out with it!” (ibid., p. 84).
Like many atheists, Nietzsche wrongly viewed the Christian faith as an epistemology (i.e., a method for gaining knowledge) versus a response to previously acquired knowledge: “But when faith is thus exalted above everything else, it necessarily follows that reason, knowledge and patient inquiry have to be discredited: the road to the truth becomes a forbidden road” (ibid., p. 76). He went so far to say, “Whatever a theologian regards as true must be false: there you have almost a criterion of truth” (ibid., pp. 51– 52, emphasis in the original).
At its core, Nietzsche’s philosophy consisted of a hatred for and rejection of love. On love, he wrote, “When a man is in love he endures more than at any other time; he submits to anything. The problem was to devise a religion which would allow one to love: by this means the worst that life has to offer is overcome—it is scarcely even noticed.—So much for the three Christian virtues: faith, hope and love: I call them the three Christian ingenuities” (ibid., p. 77, emphasis in the original).
In 1889, at the age of 44, Nietzsche suffered a psychotic breakdown and was admitted to the mental asylum in Basel, Switzerland. He was later transferred to the asylum in Jena, Germany. For over a year, Nietzsche lingered in a state of complete mental collapse, and he died in August 1900.
Today, Nietzsche’s relativism, naturalism, and nihilism continue to impact philosophy, art, and culture. His defiant rejection of religion, especially Christianity, and his advocacy of violence and self-seeking make his ideas the antithesis of biblical love and self-sacrifice. Various individuals have attempted, with little success, to integrate Nietzsche’s ideas with religion, creating such philosophies as “Christian atheism.”
10-Reasons why Atheism is Killing America February 21, 2019 Atheism - the cult of death
“For myself, as, no doubt, for most of my contemporaries, the philosophy of meaningless was essentially an instrument of liberation. The liberation we desired was simultaneously liberation from a certain political and economic system and liberation from a certain system of morality. We objected to the morality because it interfered with our sexual freedom.” Aldous Huxley, atheist, writer, novelist, philosopher.
Why Atheism is Killing America Atheism will destroy America, here are ten-reason articulating how and why.
Introduction Atheism, an ideology that is rooted in the demonic and controlled by Satan, is presently, methodically, destroying America’s Constitutional Republic under the auspices of Progressive-Socialism i.e. the Progressive-Socialist-Democrat Party. How is Atheism destroying America via apostasy? Let’s discuss that… Atheism and the death of America.
1) The Atheist is an enemy of the Lord Jesus Christ and they serve His most prolific adversary, Satan, by default. Atheism is actually a facade, a futile exercise in self-deception, why and how? Every man and every woman, having attained an age of reason, intuitively knows that our Creator exists and they intuitively know by what has been made in Nature e.g. the origin of matter – the Universe down to the complexity of the human genome; it is these supernatural forms of preliminary empirical evidence which clearly testify to the Truth that our Creator has dominion over the Universe, Time, Life, Death and Eternity; therefore, the Atheist is “without excuse.” For all intents and purposes, there is no difference between the loyalty of the Atheist and the Satanist, both serve Satan and both seek death in sin and death in Hell in futility. (Romans 1:18-32)
2) The Atheist is a most ardent enemy of America because as Satan’s emissary in Time, the atheist espouses an ideology that demonically, radically, seeks the mutilation of America’s posterity in the womb. It is the father of Atheism, Satan, that has successfully established dominion in the abortion industry in America via Roe v. Wade (1973) and it is the shedding of innocent blood that has brought the judgment and wrath of our God upon this Nation; therefore, the atheist and their rebellious ideology plays a strategic role in the unconscionable act of abortion on demand resulting in God’s wrath and judgment upon the United States. (Proverbs 6:17; Deuteronomy 28:15-68)
3) The Atheist supports a demonically-based ideology that seeks to destroy the Biblical Family Unit through legitimization of sexual perversion affirmed by Obergefell v. Hodges (2015) “Same Sex Marriage” that is destroying our posterity through LGBTQ confusion, suicide, while this unconscionable immorality directly attacks and undermines middle-and-lower-class-America’s sustainability. Without a dad and a mom at home, raising their children in the knowledge and respect of our Lord Jesus Christ, America’s Constitutional Republic cannot be sustained! The Biblical family unit is the bedrock of America’s sustainability.
4) The Atheist radically espouse the most prolific deception to have ever been thrust upon the mind of mankind i.e. Darwinian Evolutionary Theory which has been forcibly infused into the minds of many millions of American youth subsequent to the early 1960’s. Darwinian Evolutionary Theory, in conjunction with socialistic historical revisionism, has resulted in morphing America’s posterity into radicalized atheistic socialists. Evolution is a most efficient promulgator of Atheism and this demonic hoax has been incredibly successful in destroying the faith, the self-worth, the hope, future and eternity of many millions of American youth, many of whom are now Millennial’s and Gen-Z young adults entering America’s workforce, America’s Government and unfortunately, the voting booth. It is atheistic evolution that has initiated, under girded, supported and continues to promulgate America’s ever-increasing culture of death and hopelessness.
5) It is the Atheist that provides unwavering support for the destructive Progressive-Socialist agenda of “open borders” giving way to unencumbered non-assimilating multiculturalism that will destroy America’s economy, America’s National identity, but more importantly, open borders endanger the lives of the American people and stymies the first duty of Government i.e. protection.
6) It is the Atheist that blindly serves and radically espouses the Globalist-Socialist HOAX of “man-induced climate change.” A socialistic-strategy aimed at subtly acquiring Globalist-Socialist control over every means of production-distribution of goods and services throughout the World. A demonically-based initiative that will destroy the economy of the United States when mindless, power-hungry, Progressive-Socialists capture the Executive-Legislative-Judicial Branches of Government.
7) The Atheist supports the demonic ideology of Leninism-socialism/Marxist-communism that will destroy America’s Constitutional Republic and create an economic-sociological environment directly responsible for the death of 100-million people in the last 100-years.
8) It is the Atheist that represents a mindset, a demonic religion i.e. Atheism; a secularist, naturalist, morally relativistic ideology that is the antithesis of the faith and allegiance to God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit, necessary for the sustainability of America’s Constitutional Republic.
9) It is the Atheist who is Satan’s representative within the Realm of Time and they represent that growing segment of America’s population that offends our Creator as they espouse those aberrant behaviors that have distanced Him from America’s protection/provision that only our Creator, Jesus Christ, can provide. In conclusion…
10) It is the Atheist that is representative of evil in the Land of America and as long as Satan’s emissaries via an atheistic ideology are tolerated in our society and in our Government, the American people will suffer the wrath of our God in our apostasy/unfaithfulness. Most tragically, it is America’s posterity that will suffer horrifically because “men” of the twentieth-and-twenty-first-Century did nothing to stop the demonization of American Culture by radical Atheists, Globalists, Progressive-Socialists, Islamist’. America is reaping what She has sown (Galatians 6:7).
Today's atheists are bullies -- and they are doing their best to intimidate the rest of us into silence

Nov. 10, 2013: An attendee grabs a brochure at the Sunday Assembly, a godless congregation founded by British comedians Sanderson Jones and Pippa Evans. (AP)
Editor's note: Adapted from the book "Inside the Atheist Mind: Unmasking the Religion of Those Who Say There is No God"
There’s no polite way to say it. Atheists today are the most arrogant, ignorant and dangerous people on earth.
We’ve all seen how these pompous prigs get offended by the slightest bit of religious imagery in public and mortified if even a whisper of “Merry Christmas” escapes the lips of some well-meaning but naïve department store clerk during the “holiday season.”
To cite a few recent examples: Last December, the group American Atheists launched its annual billboard campaign with the slogan: “Just Skip Church -- It’s All Fake News.” In February, the American Humanist Association became furious when President Trump had the gall to mention Christianity and Jesus Christ without also mentioning atheists—at the National Prayer Breakfast! (How dare he!) And just this month, the Freedom From Religion Foundation raised holy hell because the Reverend Billy Graham was laid out in state in the Capitol Rotunda before his burial.
Yes, these atheists are loud, nasty, unapologetic and in-your-face.
But while their arrogance is annoying, it’s nothing compared to their ignorance. Atheists believe that the vast majority of human beings from all periods of time and all places on the Earth have been wrong about the thing most important to them. They basically dismiss this vast majority as being either moronic or profoundly naïve. What they don’t seem to know – or won’t admit – is that the greatest contributions to civilization have been made, not by atheists, but by believers.
Too many Christian authors have tried to be kind and amiable in an effort to demonstrate that believers don’t have to sink into the mud in order to defend the faith. That tact is very charitable, but unfortunately, it just doesn’t work with bullies.
Aristotle, Francis Bacon, Leonardo Da Vinci, and Isaac Newton all believed in God. Nobel-prize winner Wilhelm Rontgen, the discoverer of X-rays; Antoine Lavoisier, the father of modern chemistry; William Keen, the pioneer of brain surgery; rocket scientist Wernher von Braun; and Ernest Walton, the first person to artificially split the atom—all believed in God.
And speaking of pioneers of science, who do you think coined the term “scientist” in the first place? William Whewell, an Anglican priest and theologian! He also came up with words “physicist,” “cathode”, “anode” and many other commonly used scientific terms. Essentially, the very language used by scientists today comes from the brain of a believer.
Even the Big Bang Theory itself – which atheists mistakenly think bolsters their arguments against God – was proposed by Fr. George Lemaitre, a Belgian astronomer and Roman Catholic priest! And the father of genetics—which provides the basis for the whole theory of evolution—was Gregor Mendel, an Augustinian monk!
Yes, the new atheists have an ignorance of history bordering on madness.
But are they really dangerous, too?
You bet they are. The truth is, the atheist position is incapable of supporting any coherent system of morality other than ruthless social Darwinism. That’s why it has caused more deaths, murders and bloodshed than any other belief system in the history of the world.
Atheists, of course, are always claiming hysterically that Christianity has been responsible for most of the world’s wars, but that’s just another example of atheistic ignorance. The main reasons for war have always been economic gain, territorial gain, civil and revolutionary conflicts. According to Philip Axelrod’s monumental “Encyclopedia of Wars,” only 6.98 percent or all wars from 8000 BC to present were religious in nature. If you subtract Islamic wars from the equation, only 3.2 percent of wars were due to specifically Christian causes. That means that over 96 percent of all the wars on this planet were due to worldly reasons.
Indeed, in the last 100 years alone, upwards of 360 million people were killed by governments—and close to half of those people were killed by atheist governments!
Yes, there is a profound and frightening connection between atheism and death. Atheist leaders like Stalin, Mao Zedong, Hideki To ̄jo ̄, Pol Pot and many others bear the blame for the overwhelming majority of deaths caused by war and mass murder in history. And while many atheists make the preposterous claim that Adolf Hitler was a Christian, his private diaries, first published in 1953 by Farrar, Straus and Young, reveal clearly that the Fuhrer was a rabid atheist: “The heaviest blow that ever struck humanity,” Hitler stated, “was the coming of Christianity. Bolshevism is Christianity’s illegitimate child. Both are inventions of the Jew… Our epoch will certainly see the end of the disease of Christianity.”
The facts are incontrovertible. Between the years 1900 and 2017, approximately 150 million people were killed by atheistic political regimes. 150 million!
And it makes perfect sense, doesn’t it? Atheists don’t believe in God, so they don’t believe in any transcendent, objective moral law. Nor do they believe that human beings are made in the image of God, and so they don’t believe humans possess infinite value and dignity. When you put these two beliefs together, you have a deadly recipe that makes killing “problematic” human beings quite easy and defensible.
One has only to look at the growing numbers of abortions, suicides, homicides, and cases of state-sponsored euthanasia, and infanticide, to see the atheist-death connection. As a thoroughly secular and functionally atheistic culture, we are fast becoming accustomed to “killing” our problems rather than dealing with them in a compassionate, loving, and sacrificial way.
So yes, the modern breed of atheist is arrogant, ignorant and dangerous. Too many books written in response to these pseudo-intellectual hatemongers have been altogether too nice. Too many Christian authors have tried to be kind and amiable in an effort to demonstrate that believers don’t have to sink into the mud in order to defend the faith. That tact is very charitable, but unfortunately, it just doesn’t work with bullies.
And that’s exactly what modern-day atheists are—bullies; bullies who are doing their best to intimidate the rest of us into silence.
Well, we can’t allow that to happen. As I say in my book, “Inside the Atheist Mind: Unmasking the Religion of Those Who Say There is No God,” there is only one way to deal with bullies, even in this politically correct world—and that is to stand up to them and fight them; to fight them in a bold, aggressive, and fearless way, and to fight them now.
This article was adapted from the book "Inside the Atheist Mind: Unmasking the Religion of Those Who Say There is No God" (Thomas Nelson, March 20, 2018).
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